
Several of my coworkers are into it as are my parents and sibling.

I tried to use this on an hour long company wide conference call but it ended up being 100% dude so I didn't even need the timer.

This list = fuck you, midwest.

My mom is such a fangirl, it's obvious where I get my fan-ish tendencies from. She's a HUGE General Hospital fan, to the point where she sent me articles about her favorite actor coming back to the show with captions about how happy she is, and when she was visiting LA she had to go see the building where they film

Nah, I've found them to be really helpful - my group does a good job of balancing praise and critique. There were a few things about my story that I wanted to correct and they did help me figure out ways to do that - I just realized that it needs to be fixed a lot earlier than anticipated.

I liked Awakening well enough, but I've been getting way into Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright. I'm really enjoying the story and gameplay, and it's probably the most I've been into a Fire Emblem game in years.

Last Wednesday my writing group gave critique about my novel. While it wasn't bad, it made me realize I need to significantly rewrite quite a bit of things. While I appreciate this will help things out, it's still not the most fun realization to have.

Hey, I can be hipster about them and say that I liked them before anyone else did (which is true, I got into them before they even put out their first single). So it's allowed!

Death Cab for Cutie - Crooked Teeth
Babymetal - Headbanger!
Neko Case - A Widow's Toast
The Killers - Andy, You're a Star
Matsuura Aya - Toudai
The White Stripes - The Big Three Killed My Baby
AKB48 - Two Years Later
Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M
Arctic Monkeys - Fire and teh Thud
Niji no Conquistador - Yarukkyanai 2015

Every single week Agent Carter has me yelling at my TV multiple times an episode. It's gotten me emotionally invested in a way that not every show does. I'm sad that next week is the last episode of the season, as this has been a really fun season of the show.

My mom and I might be going to a Once Upon a Time fan convention together this year? I haven't been an active fan of the show for a little bit (I used to be a pretty avid fan of the show), but my mom asked me if I'd go with her and I feel like this has the possibility of being really fun.

Probably my favorite song and favorite lyrics so far. Gotta love Santino Fontana's voice, and lyrics like "if he's your broken condom, I'm Plan B!" and "Sugar jugs, I'm so bereft" (which makes me laugh just thinking about it) are just wonderful.

I've put the show on pause because Rebecca leaving the movie theater alone singing "I have friends" to herself felt way too real to me.

The fact he also namedropped The Second Sex was kind of amazing. While still calling them bitches.

I think about this foam corner joke a LOT. If anyone ever mentions Regis Philbin in my mind it's 100% Egregious Philbin.

I play lots of video games and I have zero navigational skills. I mean, obviously I'm only one anecdotal response, but I wish that this helped me not get lost all the time.

Honestly, every time someone says something like "when will they finally get together?" for a TV couple, I can't help but think about Mulder and Scully not kissing until season 7.

Agreed on holding off on Heart Gold / Soul Silver. 2nd Generation is my favorite generation, and I have a lot of affection for the original Pokemon Gold (just the reveal of "you can go to Kanto!" is the most exciting thing ever). I'd love to see another remake of that, even though Heart Gold / Soul Silver aren't that

I do think OR & AS are better realized in general, which I can't really fault Nintendo for. I think Nintendo's been doing a really solid job with the main series Pokemon titles of keeping the core of what people find enjoyable and clearly improving upon them.

I'm not afraid to admit I've been well into shipping and fanfiction for years.