
I'm not afraid to admit I've been well into shipping and fanfiction for years.

Got Pokemon Alpha Sapphire on a whim last Sunday so I'm probably going to keep playing that. I've been enjoying that it's not terribly easy, though? Pokemon X, it felt like they kept throwing me pokemon left and right at the start of the game (you need to beat this gym? Here's a pokemon that fits that type! You need

It was such a non-story, and just took a character who had previously been pretty cool and turned him into a jerk.

I really liked him in the first couple of seasons, but then they made him into a jerk. I never really liked Jess, and I don't like Logan. The only 'love interest' (or at least person interested in Rory) I actually liked was Marty, but even then they made him into an asshole in his later appearance.

Serialized storytelling is nothing new, nor are sequels and reboots?

If you have a chance, you should go, if you enjoy comedy. It's always a good time.

Rose is the best. While I love all the principal actors, I'd love to see more of her. She's so great.

As am I; every time I think "ah, I think I'm done with Pokemon" they keep reeling me back in.

"Your hand feels like a pillow that's been in the microwave" is one of my all-time favorite 30 Rock lines.

Went in and got it earlier, fulfilling my childhood dreams of having a Mew.

I just heard it was very difficult. I've been really interested in the musical mentioned above, and so I decided to read it so I could know more about the characters, and have been surprised with how breezy and fun it's been to read.

Planning on it, yeah! I've enjoyed Andrew Davies adaptations in the past - he managed to make my favorite book, Bleak House, work really well as a miniseries, so I'd like to see what he does with it.

For some reason I've been really craving to play some Pokemon so I caved and got myself Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. I've been really enjoying myself, actually. I found that Pokemon X was almost absurdly easy, and while the difficulty level of Pokemon is never hard, I've been liking Alpha Sapphire a lot better.

How pretentious am I when I say War and Peace? But seriously I am reading War and Peace and I'm really enjoying myself. I'm trying to read at least a chapter a day, and the chapters are so short that this is really feasible. It's a surprisingly readable book - the characters are very well defined, so that even if

Thank you, I will enjoy my "drink wine and eat candy alone in my apartment" day!

Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku - Kari Keiyaku no Cinderella
Osaka Shunkashuto - Chameleon Shoujo
Electric Light Orchestra - Shine a Little Love
Mano Erina - Sekai wa Summer Party
Garbage - Cup of Coffee
Morning Musume - Daisuki 100 Manten
Momoiro Clover Z - Get Down!
Gorillaz - Kids with Guns

I take improv classes at a comedy theater near me, and I got free preview tickets tonight as part of a student appreciation thing! I go to every main sketch show they do, but free is good. (It's at Brave New Workshop, if anyone knows Minneapolis-based sketch comedy).

I really don't get that either. I remember reading Pride and Prejudice in high school and everyone was so surprised that it was funny. It's a weird perception.

This is exactly what happened with me - tried to read P&P&Z, realized "oh I'd rather just read Pride and Prejudice again" and did that.

As a big Austen fan I'll probably end up seeing this sometime, but whenever it's free on Netflix or something. I tried reading the book but it just feels so unnecessary. Beyond the initial gag of "it's Pride and Prejudice… but with zombies!" there's not a whole lot there.