
That does help - I follow a couple of different sources for submissions, but always happy for more.

I caved and got The Witness, and I've been playing that. It's good, but I don't know if I have the brain power to do much with it during the week.

Submitted a story to a contest; definitely not my best work, but it's the first time I've really put myself out there as an adult so I'm viewing just finishing the thing as a success in itself.

Not really news, but I submitted a story to a writing contest and my fingers are crossed very tightly. The story is pretty mediocre (the ending is the worst), but considering the time limit and the restrictions (I was given a prompt to write based on so I had to write a genre I've never written before in under 2500

I've been listening to nothing but musical cast albums on spotify lately so this isn't the music I've been listening to for the past couple of weeks:

The FJ where my years of Latin study would have come in handy! *shakes fist*

Fair enough, both Emily and Paris are pretty vital.

Sookie was great, but let's be real, the one character we need back is Emily Gilmore. Anyone else is extra.

When she saw a movie by herself, cried in the theater, and walked out alone singing a reprise of "I Have Friends" that hit way too close to home for me.

I'm trying to ignore The Witness because I've bought so many games lately that I just need to work through some games I already have.

I'm going on vacation in May to New York and booked my flight/hotel! I paid in advance so I could get a surprisingly reasonable deal (around $950 for my flight AND four nights at a hotel in midtown) so I'm really happy about that. :)

That's adorable, congrats!

Getting new tasks at work that need to be done immediately and that I haven't really been trained on. I mentioned what I was working on to a coworker in passing and even she was like "Ok what the hell."

I dunno, I feel like Rebecca and Greg get along when they don't let things get in the way. They genuinely seemed to get along at the Taco festival, but when she started to consider the future (i.e. the near reprise of Settle for Me and when Greg messed up) she panicked, became self-destructive and went home with the

Both of these sound really good, can't wait to read them!

This list is so delightfully specific.

OK, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who wondered about that. Some of the revelations felt very familiar. When they said "Roswell was a smokescreen" I kind of rolled my eyes because that was revealed in the Season 1 finale by Deep Throat.

I feel like this was basically a very long setup episode. I didn't dislike it, but it was 45 minutes of Mulder and Scully getting back together and setting up the mythology. I mean, the mythology episodes didn't always have neat starts/finishes, but they usually had some sort of forward momentum. Since this is a

I don't think Duchovny is bad by any stretch of the imagination, just that Anderson is much better than he is.

The role I love her as (in addition to The X-Files) that no one mentions is her performance in Bleak House. She's so perfect as Lady Dedlock.