
This is absurd; Mulder and Scully have equal roles, and GA is a much stronger actor than DD. There is no universe where this makes any amount of sense.

Thousand Year Door is one of my all-time favorite games - I'd like anything like that. I'd even settle for virtual console TYD.

Look, as someone that really appreciates female superheroes I'll probably go and see Wonder Woman right away. However nothing in the DC lineup looks any fun. Even when a Marvel movie is at its worst or most Marvel-generic (Thor 2…) it's at least going to be a fun time. Most of these look like just a slog to get

I LOVE Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, the first one, but nothing has quite lived up to that. Paper Mario is one of my favorite game series', but after the mediocre Sticker Star I'm wondering what they'll do with that franchise, as well.

Not sure what I'll be playing - I got several games over the winter sale and so I've been playing a couple of things. Lately I've been playing some Rocket League again. Before 2015 I almost never played multiplayer games, but then both Splatoon and Rocket League got me interested in a big way.

I feel like High School Musical lasted a lot longer, though. It's pretty much left the cultural memory now, but Avatar seemed to be here and gone within a year or two.

I feel like I was tricked into reading this with an article title involving the words "Oscar Isaac" and "masturbatory."

I saw IWTB several times in the theater (mostly because I was excited about The X-Files and needed to see it). I don't think it's AS bad as a lot of people say. However, it's not what anyone was expecting or hoping for with a new XF movie. If this had been an episode of TXF it would have been a pretty solid,

I've been wondering if the name of this is referring to the 1920s classic documentary "Nanook of the North" but why would people think to reference that for a kid's movie?

Nothing's Crash tier. It's in its own tier. Shakespeare in Love is pretty apropos, though; both were harmless and not necessarily bad, but certainly not Oscar material.

Every time I watch Community and see the Dean wear something ridiculous I think "that man has won an Oscar for screenwriting."

Congrats on 22 weeks! That's a great achievement.

I do this every year. I also do this every year with NaNoWriMo, assuring myself that yes I will get it done (and every year I fail it).

I'm mostly bummed that theaters near me aren't showing Anomalisa or Room because I want to see both.

I gave myself a resolution to write every day and gave that up almost immediately. I'm pretty pleased, though, because I've actually gotten further in my current work/novel than I have on anything else. I'm taking a small break from it to work on my blogging/non-creative writing, but the fact I've been working on this

New Agent Carter last night, new X-Files (!!!) on Sunday and new Crazy Ex-Girlfriend on Monday. Very happy about all of that! Especially Agent Carter, since I've been looking forward to this season since it aired last year.

Thanks! I hate using "work has been crazy" as an excuse but that's pretty much it.

Kikkawa You - Hana
Team Syachihoko - Dakishimete Anthem
Toby Fox - Metal Crusher (from the Undertale soundtrack)
Team Syachihoko - Onegai! unBORDE
Edith Piaf - Madeleine Qu' Avait Du Coeur
AKB48 - Tobenai Agehachou
AKB48 - Hikoukigumo
David Schwartz - Motherboy (from the Arrested Development soundtrack)
The Like - He's Not a

My workload has actually lightened up so I can actually post in the AVC comments for the first time in probably several months if not longer!

After the lines about Rose's surfing I just want a spinoff episode about Rose entering and winning a surf contest.