
This is the one show that always surprises me that it's still on, because for some reason I keep thinking it went off the air in 2010 or something.

Going to my favorite brewery's new tap room on Sunday. I am very excited.

Congratulations! That's really exciting!
I've found out that, while I'm still temping, the company I'm working for is planning on keeping me here until they can find a job for me. So basically I might have a full-time job soon? I really like where I'm working, though, so that's good. :)

Momoiro Clover Z - Z Densetsu ~Owarinaki Kakumei~
Regina Spektor - Eet
Edith Piaf - Padam, Padam
Guardians4 - School Days
Dead Weather - Old Mary
Broken Bells - Your Head is On Fire

I honestly can't recognize him without that mustache. Even as a fan of his, it took me WAY too long to go "wait… that's PFT."

Well, time to link my mom an AV Club article.

… oh man Jeopardy test? *quickly registers*

Also purveyor of clichés - I swear, the trailer for this latest one is just a collection of clichés bundled together.

Pushing Daisies, please! While I appreciate that they tried to wrap it up, it was clearly rushed.

Neko Case - Magpie to the Morning
Broken Bells - The Ghost Inside
Momoiro Clover Z - Soratobu! Ozashiki Ressha
Electric Light Orchestra - Big Wheels
Fiona Apple - Criminal

Yeah; one of my friends is a HUGE fan of the Flash, but I don't know if she's really interested in seeing a movie of it, considering the TV show is pretty much exactly what she wanted from a filmed Flash adaptation.

I definitely wondered if they recast Grey Worm in a Daario situation. I was glad that was the case.

My main issue is when the internet is iffy - I like having DVDs of my favorite shows/movies for those times when streaming sucks and I want to watch something.

I have actually never read Persuasion; I should get on that. Northanger Abbey is up there as a favorite book of mine, though! It's just so much fun, Mr. Tilney is just nonstop sarcastic, and it features sections like Austen ranting about how novels are great.

Eh, I'd say fine. Though some of the filmed adaptations are kind of contentious among Austen fans.

Aside from my actual job (which is currently a lot of data entry), I have a lot of writing I want to be doing but keep putting off. My Jpop blog, the fiction I've been trying to write, my general media blog where I want to do reviews… I just have very little motivation for any of this at the end of my day.

True to my word from last week I had a beer at my writing class (I don't even remember what kind it was, except it was a craft beer and it was a red ale). It was a pretty fantastic time, I have to say.

Rereading Northanger Abbey, because while there are so many books I really should be reading, nothing hits the spot like Austen.

Fuck being a temp. I like where I'm working right now, which means that leaving will suck even harder. They keep pushing my end date back, which is nice, but not entirely stable.

The Raconteurs - Steady, As She Goes
Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 - Chikatetsu no Teddy Boy
AKB48 Team A - Overtake
No Doubt - Too late
Watarirouka Hashiritai - Hatsukoi Dash