
This is a really great, interesting perspective to hear from! Thanks!

Yeah, that storyline would have worked better for me if it hadn't been played as "COME ON Kimmy you HAVE to marry me!" It might have worked better if Kimmy was really instigating it and being the one who was up front going "Dong we are going to get married." Or something. It felt at times like a major guilt trip which

Right, they absolutely need a lot of content and a lot of shows, but I think part of it is considering that cost. Seinfeld would definitely help keep viewers, but what could they possibly get with $90 million? Could they get maybe two shows, or even possibly more for that? I have no idea what the financials were for

Definitely. $500k is a ton of money, and while I'm sure people would love to watch Seinfeld on Netflix, there's a lot more content that can be had for that kind of money. To get the entire series at $500k an episode, Netflix would have to pay $90 million. That could fund a lot of things that would be better business

Loved seeing them twice last year (Came to Minneapolis for a festival and then came at a later date) and I kind of wish they were coming back to Minneapolis. Both of their recent shows were really fun.

Yeah, this is pretty standard practice for Bejar. He just wanders in and out; this has happened at all the shows I've seen from them. At one point he stood with his back to the audience during an entire song. I find the rest of the band great to watch, but Bejar always kind of does his own thing.

This is actually a worthwhile Great Job, Internet for me because I was wondering if it was the same hula-hooping girl but was too lazy to check myself.

Yes… (nervous people will go and read my fic, haha)

I've heard of Wattpad but I've certainly never gone there, and I never see people link to fic from there. AO3 is definitely where I read/write all my fic.

For real; the fanfic I read and write is on Archive of our Own and that's after I graduated from fanfiction.net, which is arguably the biggest. Without any numbers to back this up I'd rank ff.net, AO3 and Livejournal above Wattpad (though LJ has definitely died down.) Hell even tumblr has fic.
Idk, maybe I'm old

Generally you do get a little desensitized to it. The gameplay is so fun and enjoyable that it's easy to get lost in it and almost forget that it's a game where your tears are the weapons.

Yeah, reading this description shouldn't make me want to sink any more hours into this game, but I think I have to go home and play it some more.

As I mentioned I spent a semester in London and absolutely fell in love with the city. It was a wonderful place to live and work (I had an internship with a media distribution company in the city) and ever since I came back to the US I've been kind of homesick for the UK. My current plan was to work hard at a global

…OK wow it sounds like you are going to be living the dream (as a former film/media student with aspirations of living in the UK).
That makes sense; I've only looked at work visas from a perspective of being outside the country but never thought about going to the UK for grad school and transferring to a UK work visa.

I've been drinking more wine than beer lately, which is weird for me.
My family decided take me to my favorite brewery's beer hall for my birthday and I'm very excited.

I love warm weather so I'm very excited that I can spend time outside without freezing to death!

It's so warm!! I hate cold weather (which kind of makes living in Minneapolis a drag) so I am very excited by how warm it is outside lately.

UK work visa, you say? Out of curiosity, what kind of program are you doing? I spent a semester in London in college and I'd love to go back there but getting a UK work visa is so difficult.

Yeah, I'm thinking about grad school options and I'm not excited about that. I think I'm going to wait and make 100% sure that I have a great program that will help me find a dream job before doing it, because I am not looking forward to debt.

Still haven't heard back about another job at the place I'm temping at and my time here is running out!