
Best episode in ages. Especially liked Monica story. Hope to see follow-through on that.

Totally agree.

Love this educated audience!

I buy series pass on iTunes. Not that expensive in SD, if you only follow a few shows.

There was an evangelistic Christian liberal movement, including sanctuary movement, that supported refugees from Central America escaping Reagan-supported right-wing death squads in places like El Salvador.

It's clear to me. Thanks for patient explanation.

How about French Resistance vs. Nazis in WW II? They used terror tactics. Totally justified in my opinion.

People do get pregnant on the pill, or using condoms. Cost of birth control pills before Obamacare, ran sometimes to $100 per month (yes, I know, crazy expensive). With ACA, you have to get right type, otherwise not necessarily free or inexpensive.

If criticism from her peer group of writers was to difficult for her to take, wait till she faces a classroom full of adolescents in an inner-city middle school.

And he has been violent, which is a very good reason not to tell him (although it is not clear he's shown that side to MR)

My husband does this to me all the time. ;)


She seems to be mocking Hannah as well. I don't agree. I think she does write well fro the female characters. I remember Jessa's breakup with her husband in an early episode. Wow. That was brilliantly written.

Sort of like Seinfeld for the 21st century. Ray, especially, seems like a Seinfeld character.

yeah, he didn't even tell her he was seeing someone else.

People who use birth control occasionally do get pregnant. No method is 100% effective.

Control her uterus, and the rest of her life! I have children, and believe me it is a HUGE commitment. No one should do it before they are ready.

Adam has done plenty of shafting himself on this series, especially in earlier episodes. He has been a horrible creep and an abusive sex partner. Now he has been sweetened up…but the past is part of his character.

Adam has been a problematic character, capable of being very abusive. Although some of that has been glossed over in recent episodes, I thought of that when the abortion scenes played out.

Women do experience relief…and many perhaps display sadness because that is what the culture demands.