

I had friends who had abortions—who did not feel sad, just incredible relief. Pregnancy can be accidental, and quite frightening if you are not in a place, financially, physically, and emotionally to raise a healthy child. Known quite a few very desperate people who didn't have that option and had terrible

The cereal thing is so "true". Roommates eat all your stuff, and then you fight over it.

Except as contrast to the totally screwed-up lives of the rest of the characters who are wandering around trying to find their true norths, or a paying job at the very least.

Yeah. She'd run back to Iowa in a NY minute.

Maybe she'll do TFA.

Welcome to Teach for America. They have almost no training either.

Amen to that. Both political parties. My husband's a teacher. Wouldn't wish that profession on anyone, not in this country. No one is treated worse by politicians and pundits than teachers. And no one works harder at a more important job. It's criminal the way the profession is being destroyed. (End of rant)

I would have liked to have seen more Hannah the aspiring writer in Iowa instead of just fish-out-of-water. I'd like to see her work harder at her craft, even if she has to confront failure.

Totally agree. I love these characters. And who among us does not put up with awful, entertaining, and flawed friends because they are our friends and we've known them forever. Especially in a city like New York where it can be very lonesome and very difficult to forge new relationships.

True, but people do these things to each other all the time. Characters on this show are very "human", despite their quirkiness.


I don't think Boyd will kill Ava. She might kill him.

Elmore Leonard's work focuses on white lower and working classes. Tells a lot of truths about our society, while being so entertaining you hardly notice many of the themes and sociological insights.

Hiaasen would be great. HBO? Netflix.

Characters are more sympathetic than Breaking Bad, even the bad guys. And the dialogue is brilliant, unparalleled on TV or most films these days.

Tension in chase and tailing scenes always gets me. If they get caught and are forced to act, what will be the consequences? I can imagine E. of P. being used by FBI or CIA as bait or trade for higher up KGB. Plus, how many seasons can this show keep going, esp with current ratings.

Yeah. It really looks like Brooklyn. And some suburban scenes seem NYC suburbs. Where are the exteriors shot?

Yes, Damien W…totally agree. Monsanto's evil can't be arbitrated.

Me, too. It was nice to see a show in a setting other than crime, legal, politics.