Kevin Johnson

Oh, just weird in the sense that two "similar sounding" shows are going to be debuting (I guess) at the same time. Usually execs balk at decisions like this ("They sound the same! Kids will get confused! Something something brand recognition!")

What's somewhat odd about this is that WB is developing a new Justice League animated show as well. Not that they both can't exist at the same time, it just seems so… weird.

Fixed. Apologies for that mistake. I grabbed hold of the writer's name and apparently didn't let go.

I have to admit, I was kind of surprised they committed to the shooting, after setting up two red herring escapes (Mario, Gordon's turning the tables on Tetch). It still did a bad job of it, but they went 100%, which, in Gotham terms, counts for something.

I only brought up the toxic masculinity thing because it seems to have been a big thing among other critics when the show just aired. I'll bring it up when the show touches upon it but it kind of feels like Son of Zorn is moving towards just being a weird, nonsensical Adult Swim show now, which is for the best.

Those are really good points. This would have reflected the season premiere, when Hera relieved Ezra of his command when he screwed up then. I'm digging the idea of Ezra's immaturity paralleling the rebellion's struggles to get its collective shit together. I also like the episode in how it compared the rigid military

That episode came to mind as well when I watched it. I was thinking it would have been pretty cool if Ezra figured it out haphazardly or something.

1) Wow, I completely missed that helmet thing. Thanks for clearing that one up - you and Dave.

According to Wikipedia, this episode was the 3rd in production, with War in the Workplace being the 4th. I'm hoping the showrunner changes occurred around that time, which will have next week's episode as strong as War, and signal a more consistent show.

Disney usually treats hour-long episodes as two unique episodes, at least according to the press site. I'll admit it is confusing though!

Fixed those details! Still trying get back into the groove of writing about this show.


They made fun of P&F's designs all the time, particularly in the later seasons. There's a scene where Candace is trying to figure out why in the world Isabella finds Phineas's triangle head cute.

Haha, see above.

Yeah, it aired a few episodes on Boomerang but because the rebrand failed it was removed, basically (although they still air Be Cool and Wabbit). There are a few episodes on the CN website but you have to dig around in there to find them. I strongly recommend them.

When CN tried (and failed, basically) to rebrand Boomerang, they had one show that was also jointly showran by a woman. Bunnicula is produced by Maxwell Atoms (Billy and Mandy) and Jessica Borutski (occasional director for Wabbit/Looney Tunes Show). By all accounts though, Borutski is the main showrunner.

Personally, I always thought FOP was pretty strong for a while, especially when they started to emphasize a really elaborate but tightly woven mythology about the fairies, and then got deeper into how really shitty and broken Timmy's life was. Once his parents started showing up more and more (and Poof arrived) was

I updated the review!

Honest question: what do you think about Star Vs. this season? Personally I'm enjoying it but it feels like it's pretending it knows where its going when really, it doesn't.

They were indeed cut.