Kevin Johnson

I know I could've said that a bit clearer, but as many other people mentioned, DuckTales was on of the first TV animated cartoons to push for a *way* higher quality of animation on network TV (it was syndicated there on Saturday mornings prior to the Disney Afternoon). It caught more attention in that way more so than

I… won't get into it but I actually managed to get really far into the game despite it being utterly abysmal. I didn't beat it but I played it long enough to figure out a lot of the tricks - like there's a way to make Sub-Zero actually turn around without having to press the turnaround button (it's a timing thing when

I rewatched this show a few years ago and it not only still holds up for the most part, but it has some of the most iconic and artistic background designs ever in a TV animated show.

This is really interesting. I actually really like harmonicas, mainly because Stevie Wonder makes it work for his best songs; I've learn to appreciate the accordion because a few of my friends play it relatively well (they're hipsters, but like, the GOOD kind); and I've gotten used to the bagpipes, partly because my

This is weird, cause for a few episodes early one (late S1, early S2?) they did do a bit of character development (they were playing around with romantic pairings of sorts, some stuff with Raven and her father).

Wow, nice reference.

Gumball isn't wrapping up. Just the showrunner is leaving. At least at this point.

Flushed Away is kind of a messy film but Rita (voiced by Kate Winslet) is such a perfectly realized character. It's like the film was originally about her, but they forced Roddy to be the main character for inexplicable reasons.

HTTYD2 is great right up through the song the father and mother sing together, which I watched twice in a row because of how sweet and endearing it was. Then the bad guy stuff happened and… it was just mostly unnecessary.

I sort of feel like Dodgeball does a good job on the "character improvement" scene as well, by mostly framing them in a slightly subversive way, so it's continues to be funny as "lessons get learned".

I think what kind of hurts the speech in some ways is that he doesn't do anything different before it or after it, in terms of reaching the console. It would probably had hit harder if somehow the speech triggered an idea, some other way for Steven to stop the speeding ship. That he couldn't reach for it, then that he

At the very least, animated montages (as opposed to generic dance-party scenes or endings) should allow the animators to explore some bolder or at least more interesting visuals. If it's a character walking among changing scenes, that's nothing. But when you get some really cool transitions or visual pops (something

Thanks! Fixed.

Huh, looks like the schedule changed, from what I saw it originally said next weekend but it looks like it was moved to next year. Still, it's a two parter, which to me has a more "finale" feel.

It's great in Archer's voice too.

I am hit or miss on the Dragon show. Like you said, the season finale was pretty great and tense, and I love how they're doing the villains. But some episodes are just god-awful (the singing episode was cringe-worthy). I wish it was more consistent.

I fixed this but it's gonna take a bit for the change to register!

I think about this a lot every time I review not only this show, but animated kids shows as a whole. And yeah, I do try to give a wide berth to allow for simplistic and/or basic plotting, especially for the young audience. I do think, however, there is a difference between simplistic and lazy, and I feel like SWR is

True, it definitely is an episode that can stand on its own, and admittedly using the election as a jumping off point is a bit forced in that regard, but I still stand by it, if only as an introductory statement. I'm way more interested in how the show pushes its more bizarre take on social commentary, particularly at

I tried very hard not to make any explicit political commentary. I just said that because of the election, this Thanksgiving may be harder for families than per usual, and that this episode taps into that. The episode itself doesn't make any political commentary, but I do believe it is trying to make social