Kevin Johnson

I'm waiting for screeners and will be pitching it once they pop up!

Yeah, I wanted to get into this more, but I figure (and I hope) that future episodes will explore that idea even more in-depth so I can write about it more in-depth! It's a pretty unique take, exploring the reality of what a one-note trait would really look like in practice.

For once, this isn't on us, per se. Minions is huge globally, way more than it is in the US.

It kind of reminded me of the ending to Portal 2 (SPOILERS) when Wheatley is floating alone in space and calmly mentions that if he could do it all again, he wouldn't. Surprisingly sad in it's direct acknowledgment.

Clarence finally feels like it got a handle on what it's trying to do, after a bunch of episodes that were silly/chaotic in a basic "Kids have weird perspectives, AMIRITE?" kind of way. The last two episodes were wonderful.

"The Love" was amazing, even the song was one of the show's best. I think "The Question" was slightly better, if because it hit a layer of depth that The Love didn't quite reach, but it was still wonderful in a lot of ways.

For the record I actually like the show a lot. That final comment was more about whether show *would* explore it or not - I didn't dock it a grade because it didn't.

In what might sound crazy, I think Gumball may have one of TV's best depiction of middle class living, even in an absurd context. Of course it's mostly cartoonish, but there's a bit of talk on Wattersons' struggle with money and being unable to afford certain things. The ending of "The Check" is hilariously, quietly

Admittedly, I never really bought into the father/daughter relationship between Coulson and Daisy. It kind of feels like a holdover from the first season struggles to justify why Skye was so special, and even across the 3 seasons it never quite click for me. I'm okay with it as a background motivation though, but when

I'm of the general belief that humor in video games is less about making people laugh and more about ensuring the story/characters reflect the atmosphere and/or visuals. I mean, when was the last time you REALLY laughed at a joke from a game? Something like the Paper Mario: 1000 Year Door, which has jokes in spades,

AND top five bad guy, period. Seriously, he's fantastic and purely unique.

I am ABSOLUTELY grading on a curve specific to the show, haha.

What Comedy Gold describes below is actually what I think of when I think of a logical fight sequence - that the flow and movements of the action serves the purpose of the fight itself. It LOOKS good, and the layout/choreography is planned well and snaps into focus during the execution.

Pretty much this. It's almost done so I might as well finish it up and then move on, barring some kind of AMAZING season finale. Even within its goofy parameters, the show has indeed produced some decent - dare I say, good - episodes, but they aren't consistent in the slightest. In fact, I get the sense that moving

I've been seeing the "he's an old, cranky droid" argument for Chopper a lot here. And I don't buy it. Or rather, I don't buy it in the sense that it's meant to be endearing or appealing in the manner of "Haha, that ol' kook Chopper!" Like, that kind of thing could fly on TV ten years ago but now it's frustrating,

See, I think the allegory DOES work, it's just not one-to-one. It's complicated because Zootopia has more labels to sort through (predator/prey, species, size, positions of power, class, nature/nurture, etc), so correlating those differences to humans is tough, but it may make more sense to think of it in terms of

It has its moments, some episodes are genuinely stellar. Others are god awful though.

I assure you it aged quite well. It has a lot of eye-rolling gags but the plotting and storytelling is solid and quite good.

General question: do people think a B+ is a bad grade? B+ means "very good, will watch again!" at least in my perspective. A and A-'s usually means an episode surpassed my expectations. B+ is a well-executed episode that do a lot right, just never quite takes that next step. That's perfectly great TV.

Curious - have you been enjoying the more recent episodes of TTG? It feels like they radically gave up on the smart (and even stupid) elements of skewering comics/entertainment/cartoons, and are just doing a bunch of random bits for randomness sake.