Kevin Johnson

I think I would have appreciated the Mortis arc more if the show went back to it at some point. It seems like a big deal, and it could have been explored more later on, especially in something as significant as Yoda's "Voices" arc. But it's this weird one-and-done series of episodes, and it's hard to contextualize in

Fixed. Weird that spell-check didn't pick that up for me.

I like The Wicked a lot too, primarily because it challenged me in a way that cartoons rarely do.

Which wouldn't have been that big of a problem if it wasn't for the fact that the main person who was running CN at the time was specifically trying to court young boys (demographically!). A high female audience was still considered a failure. This was a guy who was trying to do live-action shows on CN, for god sakes.

I watched it and wrote about it! It's not even, like, "edgy" or "in your face". It's actually some fifth-grade level sci-fi story forced onto Looney Tunes characters, which makes it more bizarre than sad. It's still not good.


I know everyone mostly forgot about it, but there's a hour-long episode of the KFP TV show called "Enter the Dragon" and it's actually really good, too. I actually thought it was better then the second movie.

Seriously the most frustrating part of the series. At least the TV show managed to *try* to do some more stuff with them, with mixed results. They developed the HELL out of Shifu and Tigress, they kind of fucked up Crane, and Mantis and Monkey got average development.

Flushed Away is really underrated. I would bet the original idea completely focused on Rita (voiced by Kate Winslet, who did an INCREDIBLE job), but someone (probably Dreamworks) was concerned about kids not being interested in a girl-led film and threw in all that nonsense about Roddy. Honestly, it was one script

Fixed! Thanks!

Yeah, pretty much this. I like Noah, but his best jokes are the ones where he feigns bafflement at American's more bizarre particulars. (I loved the bit where he talked about Africans wishing they could be afflicted by "affluenzia"). I don't necessarily believe that anger is necessary for great comedy, but dropping

I watched the scene a few times because I was confused, exactly, why Ezra was acting like a jerk around her, and made the assumption it was because she was a woman - specifically, another, non-Ghost-crew woman, which was a large assumption on my part. I definitely did not grasp the age thing (her talk with him about

It's cool you mentioned this because I always thought its main problem was that it couldn't quite push its satirical elements into real comic momentum - that it, it wasn't really funny despite its satirical scope. I always liked the show's puppet designs but I wonder if the limited movements/expressions hurt it in

Well, there's stylistically off-model and just being off-model. The former is perfectly fine and used all the, provide that they still follow the basic principles of animation, or are purposely exaggerated for comic/dramatic effect. The latter is just an animation mistake.

Dinosaurs isn't a great show at all but it kind of sucks to see so many people dismiss its more ambitious aspects, including its attempts at distinct satire and commentary. The puppetry and continuity is kind of ballsy for a TGIF show, and they were doing gags and stories that wouldn't be touched for another 10 years

I like the last paragraph of this Newswire because there's already a Croods show on Netflix (Dawn of the Croods) and it's…. okay, although they completely screwed up the daughter character.

What exactly do you like about that show? I had submitted that one as a Least Essential show as well, which has a lot of promise but squanders so much of it characters and premise.

OH MAN! I'm actually really excited they picked up Niko and the Sword of Light. That pilot was crazy good, like Over the Garden Wall mixed with a bit of Steven Universe. I have some high hopes for that show. It's good to know Amazon had to go back to it, despite missing out the first round.

Yeah, updated that just now. There's was a bit of confusion out there on the web, even Disney's press site was a bit unclear on that fact.

Okay, so when I started this review, for some reason I had Clarkson in my head, but I knew it was wrong, and went out of my way to make sure I correctly put in Coulson (at least the first time), but for some reason Clarkson never left my head! It's actually something that's been happening more often than I care to