
I'm not really the kind of person to GAF about owning stuff on vinyl, but I'd really, really love to have this on vinyl. This episode blew my tiny little mind, I'd dearly like an artifact of it.

You can't throw that idea out there without a suggested title. It's irresponsible.

RIGHT? God, this whole thing was so pretty to look at, you could take any still and frame it.

It has to be. Real world Kelly can remember things she's experienced in the virtual world, so she's not simply sending a copy in to experience this stuff for her. She's moving in and out.

She does, but she's not necessarily a reliable narrator at the time. We only have her word that that's what it is, and she's angry and biased by her point of view.

Charlie Brooker has also mentioned that there are probably versions of other locations like London or New York.

The only first hand Quagmire visitors we meet are Wes and Kelly, both of whom are basically spring breakers. There probably are full timers there, but hey, why not? Kinky folks need a heaven too. Why not get your freakiest of freaks on where nobody can get hurt?

How am I overlooking it? She had that love, and still has a kind of that love, but he's dead. Full dead. He gone. Should she commit seppuku in his memory? Why? It's not diminishing the life they had together for her to keep living and be happy again.

The only people shown to the audience to use Quagmire are both tourists. which makes sense to me - tourists are more likely to want to do the big tourist shit. San Junipero full timers might look on Quagmire the way Amsterdam housewives look at the red light district.

If there is a heaven, she may well see them whenever she's ready. And in the meantime, her ghost family know she's deleriously happy with weird hot Mackenzie Davis. I hope they're not, like, watching though, that would be fucking awkward.

"Honestly, the idea of a simulacrum of heaven, with consequence-free partying and beautiful scenery is pretty much hell to me."

Kelly wants a life with Yorkie though?

I was really struck by how kind everyone was. Greg was adorable, but so was Kelly's nurse, and the doctor who welcomes her to Yorkie's hospital in Santa Rosa.

So… what are the odds of that amazing Clint Mansell theme ever being released? The one when they're in bed and after the car accident?

They pop a little doodad which looks like a Mento on a suction cup onto their temple. It seems to function basically like a wifi dongle which transmits their consciousness to the San Junipero server. When the clock strikes twelve - like when Kelly disappears from San Junipero and leaves Yorkie alone by the jeep - her

The show takes pains to show that a single *Kelly* consciousness is able to move in *and* out of San Junipero. Old Lady Kelly can remember the things she saw inside the system, she has moved in and out of that world. She is not merely copying herself into the man made universe.

Trial version costs, full version's free? BLACK MIRROR CHALLENGES EVERYHING I KNOW TO BE A CERTAINTY

Yorkie and Kelly keep their memories from San Junipero when they're in their physical bodies, so they aren't simply copies, they were being somehow transported back and forth from one "vessel" to another.

If we developed technology allowing us to create an ersatz heaven, it would probably change the whole thrust of our society. It's would operate as a demonstrably functional religion. You can even try before you buy!

IMHO yes. And if it was bumped up by thirty minutes and released in movie theatres, I'd argue maybe more. Writing, acting, everything was flawless to me.