
I don't really get why people find anything bittersweet about the ending. It's 100% happy to me.

IMHO it dwelled on them just enough. Homophobia is what cost Yorkie a chance at the life she was supposed to have - San Junipero is a reparation for that.

I love Charlie Brooker, but I'm starting to think he's been wasted on cynicism - I bawled like a fucking child to a Belinda Carlisle song, this is a masterpiece.

I will wither and die waiting for the Batwoman show we deserve.

Extreme Ghostbusters also featured some villains - The Vathek - that were essentially Cartoon Cenobites, who would "operate" on people to turn them intoo Cartoon Cenobites.

"Is the movie supposed to be "innovative" rather than showing how people actually do turn towards traditionalist attitudes when society breaks down?"

The most extraordinary version of this effect I've ever heard of was a bunch of people who all recalled seeing a picture of a bunch of yokels holding a supposed dead thunderbird/pterodactyl thing in a magazine of some description when they were kids. They can all go into incredible detail about the attire of the

I'm completely puzzled by the adoration Refn gets, tbh. I know there were a bunch of jokes about Drive being basically like watching somebody else play GTA4 but… you guys, it literally was that. There is nothing deeper to it. IT PROVIDES LITERALLY EXACTLY THE SAME VIEWER EXPERIENCE.

I'm glad to see Keanu Reeves getting some love here. Alright he's no Ian McKellen, but he's weirdly underrated at what he actually does do very, very well. Keanu Reeves is a really good martial arts screen performer and it's weird to me that people seem to genuinely find it easier to take somebody like Chuck Norris

YES! I felt the same when he wrote anything for Faith, too, and for the same reason, I felt like the character really shone in Angel's world rather than Buffy's.

LOVE Sarah Neufeld's stuff. Far more than I expected to, tbh. Colin Stetson's stuff is also as awesome as it is terrifying.