holy roman empire

Subeez was my post-concert drinking place in the 90's/2000's. Sad to see it go.

They're filming this right near my apartment. Should I care?

Tabarnak de calisse d'ostie!

But a +3 for putting gravy and cheese curds on fries.

I do!

I absolutely think she could (and should) win against anyone still playing, if she makes it to F3. And I definitely want her to; she's been my favourite all season.
But yes, I do think she could get voted out. Joe will likely be loyal, Tai probably won't, and Cydney and Michele would be stupid to take her to F3

This felt a lot like the "why Aubry loses Survivor" episode to me, and it makes me so sad. I hope I'm wrong and she slays it, but for the first time this season, I have my doubts.

Thank you for telling us what "women's films" are!


Ted…. Nelson. Teeeeedddd… Nelson.


Sometimes you get dysentery and die.

Perhaps I'm a cynic, but I thought of it as "I am going to say a Nice Thing about you, the person we are voting out, so you will cast your vote for me at the end because hey bitch, I Said That Nice Thing Once".

Me neither. I watched it a second time a few years later, and cried just as hard.

Jason said on Twitter that Tai gave it back right after tribal.

Scot spells his own name wrong.

I always thought it'd be funny if someone at tribal would lean over and ask "hey, how do you spell your name?" right before the vote.

Hatch is an absolute delight and I must respectfully disagree on his inclusion here.

I'm finding it hard to even watch. Jason and Scot are such unbelievable pieces of human garbage who act like petulant children, throwing whiny temper tantrums and bullying the women when they don't get what they want, claiming that the women would somehow die or starve without them. Who made fire for the Brawn tribe

Do you have any idea how much I appreciate British television and film for casting both male and female actors who look like regular human beings and people you know and see every day, rather than casting only the impossibly gorgeous and perfectly fit?
And that women don't just stop existing once they turn 35?? Ahhh,