holy roman empire

You'll see some actress or otherwise famous woman on a magazine cover one month,with a blurb about how she "needs to drop that baby weight" or some other such bullshit, and then the next month, they're criticising her for "losing too much weight" or being "too thin".

Women can have other reasons for not being happy with their bodies that have literally nothing to do with how attractive they are to men.

If you look closely, you can actually pinpoint the moment his heart breaks in two.

Good lord, that's frightening.

I was homeless when I was 12, and my father, brother and I ended up staying in my father's friend's basement for about a month.
One summer day I was changing into my swimsuit so I could join all the boys who were running through sprinklers in the yard, and when I came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, my

But why does he get to make that decision for her?
She is able to think and act for herself, and he physically prevents her from doing so because apparently Carl Knows What's Best For Her.

As a woman attracted to a lot of men, I agree with you.

I am so beyond pissed at Denise's death that the light from pissed will take a billion years to reach the earth.
And that's saying nothing of what they've done with Carol. RAAAAAAGE

That guy who played Cooter on Dukes of Hazzard. Does Jerry Springer count?

Jason talking about how he has a daughter made me take pause. I sincerely hope that two 30-to-40-something-year-old grown ass men don't decide to jointly attack and bully the absolute shit out of her when she's 24 because they feel that she's not a good enough conversationalist.

Brandt can't watch though, or he has to pay a hundred.

A Battlestar Galactica fan, or simply casting Vancouver-area actors, since both shows were filmed there.

Vancouver looks like Every City, USA.