
Ah, thought you meant the bathroom in the hotel where Paige was praying.

Were they in the USSR? I assumed they smuggled Elizabeth's mom into West Germany or elsewhere in Europe, since there would have been less at stake sneaking her across the curtain than Elizabeth.

"Like nearly ever major event on the show, this is a crisis that was long coming, and yet still manages to arrive as a surprise."

My 2 year old is obsessed with Clifford The Giant Fucking Dog and His Asshole Friends right now, so thank you for this list. I'll see if I can get him into Wonder Pets and Peg+Cat so I don't have to keep watching that motherfucking turd of a show.

***I hate that the national council of guys with interesting hair decided in 2002 that Radiohead was smart and good and respectable and to be a worthy person you had to like Radiohead.***


I'm glad someone mentioned Grand Budapest. I hate getting worked up about opinion lists like this, but seriously, that movie was Wes Anderson self-parody. How it ended up ABOVE Moonrise Kingdom I can't understand.

Yes, but one filled with really good restaurants and bars.

They'd have lasted longer if only they'd built their walls aluminum.

As someone who lives in a very nice house in Ohio… umm… I mean, at least I'm close to Michigan.

Yep, those sure are images from movies and TV shows on VHS boxes, Internet.

He just needs to take some classes on Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever and he'll be fine.

The best part so far is that Gawker, who's raison fucking d'etre is pretty much to catch people in this kind of shit, thinks we shouldn't be too tough on him.

Oh, I like WWDT a lot, but I hate when Rocca's on it.

There's a trick to deadpan delivery where you have to 100% commit to it, or else the delivery comes off as too winking, too "I'm-in-on-the-joke." Wilmore can't seem to pull it off.

Yeah, this seems like a really, really big reach on CC's part.

He need not fret. There will always be a place for his smarmy, obvious jokes on Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me.


Even later on, R.E.M. had great openers that fit. I saw Wilco open for them on the Up tour in '99 and The National and Modest Mouse on the Accelerate tour in '08.

That is the single weirdest bill I've ever heard of.