

Was it "I'm just gonna stay at home and listen to country music?"

Just call the guy a chickenfucker and let's be done with it.

Being criticized on Twitter - it's exactly the same as having your free speech rights violated!

I wasn't sure about The Path, but now that I've seen a 12 second video of its logo, I'm convinced.


The link with thiomersal is bunk, and has been proven as such, and he still hammers on it.

Oh, god, did you see the one yesterday where they managed to spin one off-handed pot hole joke and Noah saying he wouldn't "just" go after Fox News into, "This guy's a hack, and he's going to let Fox News off the hook!"

I look forward to the My World of Flops entry on this one.

But you didn't list anything! I don't get it!

But you didn't list anything! I don't get it!

Note: Pizz died on the way back to his home planet.

Why are you always yelling, guy from Imagine Dragons?

They only made one kind of car. It's loud and kind of fun to drive for awhile, but then you realize it doesn't really go anywhere most of the time.

I don't understand why A.C. Sleater never performs with them anymore.

Look, if I'm going to read the memoir of a beloved Canadian child star, it's going to be Bryan La Croix's.


Shitty Job As Usual, Chris Hardwick!

Well, I mean, there's a big difference.

Oh, the mustard drizzle is free? Shit, in that case, I'll take one!