
I went to a night of a Dave Matthews Band Caravan show a few years back in Chicago. There was a shit-ton of great bands playing throughout the day that convinced me to play hookie from work - Drive By Truckers, Blind Pilot, Edward Sharpe, Gary Clark Jr, Dirty Dozen Brass Band, etc.

Does Beerfest actually get funny at any point? I've had so many people recommend it, but I got to the frog-jacking off scene before I decided it was just not going to be good at all and gave up.

R.E.M. Drive. It's a song that never worked for me in its Automatic For the People form, but is one of their best songs live.

Two favorites of mine:

Die in a fire, internet!

I really think Broad City is a little overhyped. It's a good show, but I'd have a hard time putting it quite on the same level as K&P, Kroll Show, and Inside Amy Schumer as far as CC shows go.

Ah Mega Man 2 - the one game that I genuinely tried to beat as a kid and couldn't. That fucking game, man…


And Ba Ba Black Sheep.

Must… not… make… joke… about… lack… of… boobs………

I just hope the super rabies strain somehow cures Natalie Dormer of her half smile/duck lips affliction.

I'm 33 and I officially feel like an old, because every time I see an indie movie (looking at you, Obvious Child) or TV show (looking at you, Transparent) featuring a late-20s/early-30s man-child or woman-child who can't get their shit together (despite usually coming from a background of privilege), all I can think

Man, I just looked up a couple articles (which I should have done before I posted), and you guys are right.

I've heard people say that, in that situation, he probably wasn't even told any specifics, just something to the effect of, "There's an urgent matter, rap it up in a couple minutes and then we need to talk." I don't know if that's a bullshit asscovering explanation or not, but it sounds just as plausible to me as him

She was in the pilot of Mad Men as a switchboard operator, if I remember correctly.

I recognize Josh Gad must have talent, because, I mean, he's in everything, but I've never seen him in anything that my main reaction to wasn't, "Man, that overacting hack needs a cock-punching."

Despite the "Oh no, it's not a concept album/rock opera!" response to The King Is Dead, I think it's solidly their best album - there isn't a skippable song on the entire thing, it's just an incredibly tight group of songs.

Sleater-Kinney does what it does very well, but they do have a pretty narrow sonic wheelhouse…

Your Honor, you take away our right to steal message board jokes, where are they gonna come from?