Cantankerous Me

He held his gun kinda weird. (read into that what you will)

I honestly couldn't figure out what the hell he was saying. Like, it was a different language. And I read books, dammit!

If Frank has never had a cavity, why does he speak as if his mouth is full of novocaine? Solve the real mystery here, Detective Sloppy McJerkTits!

I ain't trolling, mah dear, I really did laugh and laugh when that guy said that line. It was AWFUL. If you think that line's OK, fine with me. I ain't gonna call you a troll or cry about lameness just because we disagree. *blows dandelion fluff in your face because time is a flat circle*

"He looks like half anaconda, half great white"?? I lol'd and realized this show is a sad puppet imitation of Season 1 with spooge dribbling down its wooden chin.

Brokeback Fallujah.

So, I still fail to see what's so "dark" or "fucked up" about Antigone watching some porn. That seemed like one of the most normal behaviors of anyone in the show, but it was done with all ominous music and shit. Just because she doesn't wanna talk to her work partner and wants to, instead, watch some chick get

Thanks, smart folk!

Some major father of the year material from Farrell. Happy Father's Day (while I threaten to butt fuck you as your son watches and your wife is murdered beside you …)

What book was on Collin Farrell's desk? Looked Asian maybe (huge generalization here)?

Et tu, Olly?

I, um, no I'm not. But he sounds lovely. Sorry, man.

I want to upvote, but I can't. *single tear slides down*

The nobles don't fight. What's-his-face-fiance proves that But an insurgency costs money. So, it only makes sense that the richies are hiring lower castes to do their dirty work.

I feel like as soon as Davos gets back, he's going to kill Stannis. This whole scene is set up like the Iphigenia story from the Trojan War. Agamemnon sacrifices Iphigenia so that the Greeks can sail to Troy and wreck that place. Later, Clytemnestra (Agamemnon's wife) shows up and guts him for killing their daughter.

Meryn Trant — Josh Duggar. A Dance of Kiddie Fiddlers.

Maybe lil Olly will make the attempt and fail, and then Jon Snuh will have to forgive or lop off his wee head? All this just seems bad.
Dammit, Sam! When the camera focuses on you and some kid, and you are thinking that maybe the scene is just a throwaway, use your brain and realize "Maybe I shouldn't tell this kid,

So, did Sam just give angry-kid-whose-parents-he-keeps-bitching-about-were-killed-by-wildlings a license to kill Jon Snuh upon his return to Castle Black?

So, what you're saying is that I'm a genius. That's what I read there. Yep. No takesies backsies.

"She's a virgin. No, dude, seriously. You can check her if you want. But can I smell your fingers after?"
*so much cringe