
Nope. I could spend hours breaking down how contrived the lyrics to "Home" are. It's like they just took all these folksy references threw them in a blender and called it music.

That's part of what I'm saying. Sure Neil Young has written some stuff like that in the past but he has the musical chops to back it up

I thought that was Oi!

Wordless Chorus has become my favorite summer song for driving. So blissful

What is this sorcery?

Oh I'm guilty of buying a song or two from all of those bands during momentary lapses of judgement. But, do I go back and listen to those songs and think "this is just such a classic"? Hell naw

How was it? Did they tell you about the time they worked in a Liverpool factory?

Yeah that shit should be banned from all future folk music.

Yeah, I've decided to wait and listen to the Lumineers' second album before passing final judgement. But, outside of "Ho Hey" I didn't really dig their debut.

If it's practically all you write about then some actual authenticity would be nice. I'm not saying I've never enjoyed a song here and there from those bands, but in general they bug me. The other problem with those types of lyrics is that those "vagabond" experiences are often presented as fact, not as a desire in

My biggest beef with Mumford & Sons from the start has not really been their sound (although that ain't anything to write home about either) it's how disingenuous they come across. I have the same issue with The Lumineers, Head & the Heart, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes, and Of Monsters & Men. I just can't take

Mumford & Sons are so bad that they make Coldplay look like pioneers of piano rock.

"Why is Jay Z most glorious immortal leader of great nation? How can we honor him more often?"

I was also dying when the new douchebag stopped Richard mid sentence to ask him if that's how he really talks.

I'm too afraid of spoilers for that usually

Hahaha Jared saying that he had "celebrated" that morning was all kinds of awkward.

I was saying I think Littlefinger's power grab might work. Who makes it out unscathed when the ashes settle is the big question. I'm hoping those people are Sansa, Brienne, Pod, and maybe even Reek. But, this is Game of Thrones and happy endings are few and far between.

I think Littlefinger's plan involving the Boltons could still work, since Sansa is almost like his own personal CIA agent. But, Roose Bolton seemed to see through some of Littlefinger's bullshit when they were talking. The real wild card in this whole scenario is Brienne. I'm not sure if her getting into Winterfell

I've personally decided to ignore the episode ratings for GoT from here on out because like putting clothing on pets or Scientology they don't make any sense.

Sansa's gonna need a lot of OxiClean