
Well damn, I agree with everything you just said

He's probably still using Borat jokes…..

I don't think Clinton is anymore hawkish than the Obama administration currently is. The two most "hawkish" things she did during her tenure as Secretary of State were authorize the assassination of Osama bin Laden (which I approve of) and intervene in Libya. If Clinton continued to use diplomacy to deal with Middle

What Hillary and the other's senators did was wrong and disappointing to say the least. However, Sanders can criticize on that relatively small issue all day, but until he shows he has a firm grasp on foreign policy then I have a hard time taking his digs seriously.

I don't know why people keep harping on the Iraq War Vote issue so much though. Technically what Hillary and many other Democrats did was vote to give Bush the power to use military force. That isn't necessarily full-fledged support for the Iraq War. Bush and his cronies were able to pull the wool over the eyes of

It's funny. I agree with Bernie Sanders on the majority of issues and I think he's a kind-hearted person with the country's best interest at heart. However, he's a one issue candidate. I've watched most of the Democratic debates so far and Sanders truly struggles when he's forced off his "stop the billionaire class"


Donald Trump/Deez Nuts 2016

I didn't just see it coming from a mile away, more like a couple galaxies away.

If Bughuul would just pay the damn electricity bill we wouldn't have this problem

"It Follows" gets my vote

Big dude eating a bowl of Cheetos really was the MVP of this episode.

I was watching "Training Day" a few weeks ago. As soon as the PCP scene began I busted out laughing because I finally understood the connection. It was glorious


14 words: "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood"

I'm all about "The Chris Farley Show" sketch with Paul McCartney. Hilarious and oddly touching at the same time.


That movie has held up surprisingly well over the years

God I love that movie

Teen Girl Squad is the shit