
So full of emotion. So full of math?

He's Steve Harvey and he cannot believe your shit.

HAHAHAHAHAHA the Kim Kardashian entry is written by Martha Stewart. Because that makes sense.

He's had a stream of good ideas lately

Steve Carell is the poor man's Steve Carell. Think about it.

More salt would be nice

I have no control over my bodily functions

That's tannest I've ever seen Julian Assange look in that photo at the top. He went from blizzard to dove.

That song. So many memories.

Always talkin' bout his diabeetus and what not

When the right trio is on, @Midnight is golden

Plus did you hear they can use naughty words on HBO? Exciting stuff.

We learned so much!

Except Sam Bee has never been funny to me. At all.

That show is the definition of the word schadenfreude.

Thinkpiece articles have stopped making me think and just made me sad…

Better yet, don't…

That might be the one thing that still bugs me about him on Last Week Tonight

What about Paul F. Tompkins as the host? He always seems to get left out in The Daily Show discussions. After watching him host No You Shut Up! and Speakeasy on YouTube I think he's got what it takes.

It was always asinine hypotheticals that wouldn't fly in a drunken game of Truth or Dare. It sucked from the start.