
Good point. I don't think he necessarily needs to play mediator all the time. But, usually when the real presidential campaign season starts Stewart will kick it into high gear. That's my favorite time to watch the show. Unfortunately we don't get to have that joy this election cycle.

I agree. It may be time to move on from dumping on Fox News constantly (never thought I'd say that). Fox News will always be epically stupid and obnoxious, but there are other problems in America. You can only do so many Fox News hypocrisy montages before I feel like I'm watching a rerun.

I've started to find Wilmore's voice and quirks to be annoying too. He's like Urkel combined with Kevin Hart or something.

I think most of his ratings come from people falling asleep while watching the Daily Show and waking up 20 minutes later.

Dickishness and truth are not always the best combo

Mostly by yelling "alright let's focus on me again!"

Has the The AV Club actually watched The Nightly Show? Have they witnessed the dumpster fire wrapped in a trainwreck inside a shitstorm that the show turned out to be? Trevor Noah looks like Edward R. Murrow after watching 3 months of that disaster.

Why the fuck not, Internet?!

Nah, we have both restaurants. Cause we're classy as shit.

We Are The World: Anglo-Saxon Edition

Praise Xenu, long may he grill

I read that in Jerry Seinfeld's voice

Crazed ice cream woman stole my heart and my soul.

I get all my style tips from Kid Rock

You had me at hello

A pretty baller epitaph if I do say so myself

Shit was bumpin'

At least it's not based on Moaning Myrtle. She sucks.

I mean really? What do we even know? Like what are words anyway?

I smell a Hobbit-style colossal waste of money and creative energy with this spinoff series.