
You're definitely right about that. I think plenty of British actors use a variety of acting styles from classically trained to improvisational. I wasn't criticizing British actors or films per se. I hope I didn't come across as being too negative. I think "The Theory of Everything" and "The Imitation Game" are both

I'm kidding. But, seriously the world needs less Downton Abbeys and more Breaking Bads or The Wires in my opinion. If that makes any sense at all.

Jesus Christ has been my favorite actor ever since I saw him in Fight Club. Guy has screen presence. Divine screen presence.

I mean Eddie Redmayne was still using method acting in his performance. He really had to. Even he openly admits it. I think he did a phenomenal job with the role. But, I'm not a fan of the Academy giving the awards to British movies just because they are more old-school or traditionally made. It doesn't get anymore we

Boyhood should've gotten Best Picture for the scene when he talks to his dad about magic in the world. Everytime I see that scene, I think about how lucky I am to be witnessing such an incredible film.

I approve of this

His sweet sweet tears

Thank you for your service sir

It's going to be like Christmas morning. Unless those no-good bleeding heart liberals take all the Jesus out of it.

He needs to have a little "chit chat" with his writers for shafting him.

On a side note I'm so extremely happy that The Theory of Everything AKA "Stuffy British film with method acting" didn't win Best Picture. I'm so tired of stuff like that.

And he'll deserve 12 oscars for each year he's gone.

Eddie "zzzz" Redmayne. That's pretty accurate hahaha

Richard Linklater got robbed

You guys lost when you said McConaughey should've won for Magic Mike…. He was far far far better in Mud.

This looks it would fit just fine on CBS's "comedy" block. In other words it looks like it's going to suck ass.

I just found out… Extremely sad. He was a talented writer and the greatest stoned animal control guy this side of the Mississippi. RIP man.

Geez, what is this the fucking Grammys?!? "I mean American Sniper made more in its third weekend in wide release than Birdman has made in its entirety." That's some snobby stuff. It's like hey let's just put down a far better and more engaging movie because Clint Eastwood's jingoistic art project made more money. And

I have this weird theory that Broad City is rubbing off on Workaholics and making it a better show this season. Proximity matters.

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