
I'm talking about in the comment above me ^^

I didn't write that on purpose haha, but I'll still take credit for it

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that NBC can suck a bag of dicks.

I'd pull an Ashton Kutcher for her

It's because there's 13 episodes instead of 12 or 14

Didn't her and Amy Poehler have beef for awhile? Maybe I'm imagining things.

That sounds like the kind of thing someone would've been screaming at 2:00 am in my dorm building freshman year.

Somebody's flexing their writing muscles.

Nailed it

Poor guy didn't even get the second "r" in his name.

He was a good president too…… for a month.

I peed a little when they showed that LeVondrius had a special carrying case for his microwave. It's the simple things in life.

House Meagle motto: "Never forgive, never forget"

We gotta live one

There has not been one bad episode of Parks & Rec this season. Scratch that, not one mediocre episode. Scratch that again, not one good episode. Scratch that a third, not one great episode. They've all been beyond awesome.

The Cracker Barrel review just solidifies why I think Hannibal is one of the best comedians in the game today.

I know a few people who have met him and they told me he's laid back. He sounds like a nice guy and I liked his first album. But, ever since then he seems to get a little more watered down and blander with each new release.

A ukulele works too

And the best part is she's about to ruin Ghostbuster's legacy! Because you know, money. WOOOOOO!!!!

Why is that the response so often when someone criticizes something? You know you are allowed to watch a show once in a while and still criticize it. It doesn't disqualify you from having an opinion. SNL has at a lot of times been one of the most essential shows in comedy. Without SNL American comedy and television