
Two pumps. That's it. Control yoself.

Damn you guys are calling me on my shit. I like it. Richmond's always had a great hardcore scene. I used to go to AlleyKatz in Shockoe Bottom to some of the shows when it was still around. And Avail is excellent. No other band is more quintessentially Richmond to me while still being important outside of the city.

What is this sorcery?

Yay! I'm not "that guy"!

Oh shit how could I forget. GWAR is Richmond. Richmond is GWAR. I don't if you're from Richmond, but they just opened the new GWARbar last month. I've heard it's fun for the whole family.

At least your dad knows who Kanye West is. Progress.

I'm going to be the "Debbie Downer" of the board and say that no one on SNL really makes me laugh anymore. Literally nobody. Occasionally, Kyle Mooney or Beck Bennett will do something somewhat notable. But, Kenan just kind of exists; Leslie Jones has only one setting: loud; Jay Pharoah is an impression robot; Taran

Nasim Pedrad is wife material


No excuses…. "sigh"

Ha Ha Clinton Dix is going to be Ha Ha Clinton Pissed when he finds out you didn't know he was a real human person.

Where's Hingle McCringleberry when you need him?

So many h-j's so little timeskis

That guy was born to play a goofy motherfucker

Sorry I'm just real defensive of him since him and Jason Mraz are like the only celebrities from Richmond, VA and that's my hometown. We take care of our own around these parts.

They're realmazin'?

I'm thinking about starting the official Fuck Found Footage Films Club (FFFFC). First movie on the agenda: this gem.

Those are real?

It's possible to like… you know… maybe… sort of… just enjoy the music part instead of the t-shirt part. Just a thought.