
The Ghost of Futures Past

+1000000000000 points for using "hella". Keep up the good work!

Good point. I wasn't trying to be exact or scientific, but Pandora has kind of lost it's appeal for me. I'm a Spotify addict now. Why listen to random radio stations and just skip over 50 songs to get to one you like when you can find (almost) anything on Spotify? Pandora was awesome when it originally came out,

I love how almost all these songs were big 2+ years ago. Like did every Pandora user stop listening in 2012 and move on to Spotify? I think so.

That's my son's name, and he says thank you

The use of puppies in Parks & Rec has always been top notch

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm going to miss this show so goddamn much.

Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones are in this? That's a DEALBREAKER

It's just sex and violence, melody and silence. And you know fooseball.

Him constantly yelling "GO HAWKS" after every sentence during interviews is aggravating as all get out.

You guys should just create an entire team of JJ Watt clones! He plays all positions! You can't lose!

Duke fan: "Those 2 losses don't count because the refs were unfair and because Coach K is the greatest man alive and literally shits gold. Doesn't matter that we lost those since we'll beat Carolina twice and then lose to ITT Tech in the first round of the tournament."

The NHL is split between Canada and the US, but at least it came from Canada originally and both countries are on the same continent. I don't know what audience Goodell is trying to tap into, because the British still don't give two shits about the NFL since they are too busy practicing their religion of soccer.

In my dream world Virginia would get an NFL team (other than the Redskins), even though I know it's not going to happen. Orlando's not as big as Tampa, Jax, or Miami but it seems like it could support a team. It's already got NBA team which helps. Portland's a cool city and I could see myself supporting the Portland

God I hope they don't create a London team. I'm actually pretty open minded about things like that, but for so many reasons the NFL should just stay in America. I agree though that it feels like changes are coming especially after this year's PR shitstorm. I'm hoping Los Angeles will finally get a team again and maybe

Thank you oh wise tuna of sorcery for the gift of clarity. Also, good article.

Yeah it's bizarre that the Colts are in there. But, the Memphis Grizzlies are in the Western Conference in the NBA so nothing makes any sense. Sportz be crazy.

I'm confused?

Welcome to the AFC South! Where dreams go to die!

If that matchup happens then the superiority complexes among both sets of fans will be almost unbearable.