
You're not my president!!!

Smart money's on the writers

I actually think that whole backstory thing about the German sex dungeons was incredibly stupid, but that's just me.

I will say Game of Thrones, True Blood, and True Detective give AHS good competition for excellent opening credits.

Is Tru Blood the cool way to spell it now?

Oldies but goodies

I try

One of those things is not like the other (hint: it's David Milch)

Yeah, well that's, just like your opinion man

She is a witchy woman

Totally agree. This might sound a little bit silly, but I honestly would've liked to see a more mysterious and eerie vibe for Coven similar to a movie like The Village. I'll admit the ending to that movie is ridiculous and it's by no means perfect. Yet, the premise works and I'll never not find the woods of New

True, but do we ever?


Thanks for waiting until I was 22 to make this video Internet. You're a dick.

Drunksgiving 2: Electric Boogaloo (now with more alcohol poisoning)

Something about those black pointy witch hats gives me the heebie-jeebies.

No doubt. All four seasons have excellent credits. But, it's extra disappointing when you watch them and realize the showrunners are basically saying, "Yeah we have some great ideas, but you know what we're just going to abandon them in two episodes. You're welcome".

Yeah I'm pretty sure I decided to cut my losses about an episode or two before that one and bailed. In hindsight, I feel good about my decision.

Also sidenote: when the opening titles for a show are better than the show itself, you know there's a problem. Coven's opening credits were way creepier and more haunting than anything that happened that season. I think the Emmy's should create a best opening category and just give the award to AHS every year.

American Horror Story is the kind of show I watch for like 3-4 episodes at the beginning because the season premiere seems interesting enough. And then you snap out of it around episode 5 and wonder what the hell is going on and why you even watched this long. I'd liken it to a night of binge drinking and then a