
Yeah everything was cool and then he had to go and pull a Fat Bastard.

Anybody who ends their statement with the fact that they are a non-voter is not someone I can take seriously.


Forget how funny that sketch was. If a good actor used Peele's creepy voice in the right movie I feel like it would actually work. It was like a more childish Pazuzu voice.

When they started to repeat how stupid the movie was I had an odd moment were I both laughed and realized how strangely accurate the sketch was. I've actually been with friends who keep talking about how dumb a horror movie they just saw is when it's clear they're scared shitless. Key & Peele nailed it.

I'm taking that as a dig against Audioslave, which is fine in my book. I lost interest in them years ago.

Real Talk

On a side note I miss Rage Against the Machine

I haven't listened to much of this album so I can't really speak from a place of authority on this, but I actually thought Taylor Swift "grew up" on her last album. Granted 15 out of 16 songs were probably about love. Yet, I felt a lot of the songs on there did a solid job of blending more stripped down acoustic

That fact was quite fun

That dog would be like 300 years old in dog years

As my grandmama once said: "We all need a little more Yeezus in our lives."

Toodle-loo motherbitches!!!

See you in another life brotha


Will there be some wild n' out involved?

That caption underneath the main photo is so mundane it's hilarious

Kanye? Is that you?

So that's what the big kids do at their parties!

I wish Jay Cutler would start smoking again… sigh….