Michael Russo

Great article. The music industry used to allow acts time to find themselves too, before getting addicted to hits. Hopefully TV will realize what happened with this show is the way to go.

And of course in 1997 Phish flew completely under the radar and had a great year.

I took me this long to get through the season as well! But it was well worth it, overall a very respectable batting average for the riffs and only a few less-funny episodes here and there balanced out by crazy funny ones. I saw the "secret mystery movie" at the live show and it was absolutely hilarious. Can't wait for

Good review. I liked it a little more though. Also White Noise is fucking fantastic.

A shot? You don't shoot high-end tequila, you sip it!

Great episode! I was also worried they'd repeat themselves and happy they didn't. But one thing about the robot in the novel.. he really WAS helping, he just didn't know it, or even understand it afterwards.. but he did help, just be being there and observing. Perhaps the moral is we can be helping even if we don't

Yep, my wife thinks Goldfarb is actually Varga's rival for similar business "interests"… she could very well be the one.

Agree totally. Didn't think they could tell another original story but they did!

Yet sometimes they rate an episode higher or lower than I would and I find it very surprising. If I were a show runner or creator I'd not read any of these reviews. Trust your gut.

And please stop whining about the fake racism in the show. Please grow up.

B is wrong. This was A+ all the way because we couldn't stop laughing.

Yeah I really don't think it's that bad at all. Better than Resurrection! I enjoyed it actually, though the thing that bugs me most about it is the Lost-like dialogue from Lindelof where no one talks plainly, everyone answers a question with a question, etc.

Just got up to Land that Time Forgot today, and I was laughing the whole time. So far the season is a solid A for me. So glad it's back!!

I liked their second and third albums more than their first. What's wrong with me?

Jesus I didn't think it was that bad! Very much trying to sound like 17 years ago but succeeding I thought.

Better then plastic beach! But not as good as the first two.

Well I liked it. I also like talking about alcohol and seeing how much they drank. But really I thought it was funny and not just because I was also drunk.

So far I've only watched three, and my order is 1102>1101>1103. But even the 'weakest' of those was excellent quality. I just don't have the time to watch any more right now, and I've never been a binge-watcher anyway (especially of a 90 minute show) but I'm really excited for the rest of them! Though as a Kickstarter

I really like the new system. It's faster and I do like scrolling through newswire. Of course I almost never comment. Because I have a life. 🙂

Absolutely. I understand why he picked Speed and True Lies is really the last gasp of Ahnold but he's really funny in it, it made a ton of money, and it's great.