Michael Russo

Unfortunately the book's ending (my favorite) was never considered.

Christ, what an asshole.

I actually liked the second one even more than the first. Wish he'd finished the last one.

Agreed. And Phish playing Wrigley is why the Cubs will win. The Brahphecy will be fulfilled..

While I do agree with you about the jokes, I didn't mind not laughing because I wasn't really watching it as a comedy. I'm not sure what you call it now, but I am still very interested in what they have to say and how they say it.

All I can tell you is I liked the second book even better than the first. :)

I can join you as one of the few. This does look kinda awful, but if it actually hangs together the way the 2 DG books did, where you actually begin to believe in the interconnectedness of all things, it could turn out OK.

I'm a huge Phish fan, but this video was completely useless. At least it was only 5 minutes.

Love love love Eno & Fripp

While I do mostly agree with you about this episode, I think the season as a whole hit it out of the park.

I thought they did a really good job keeping to the events in the book, even getting a lot of good dialogue in there. My only problem was that a lot of the book's subtlety was missing, and it was replaced with yucky melodrama, especially at the end. Well, I suppose that's TV though.

It's crazy how everyone's opinions are so different. I thought Mink Car was just OK (ruined by production), The Spine was pretty good, but its companion EP The Spine Surfs Alone had some better songs that should have been on the album, The Else was _great_, Join Us was a little meh, Nanobots was _great_, and I'm not

I became convinced when I looked at the shot of the amount of tapes that madman had produced and were sitting in his garage. I don't think you could come up with that idea if it weren't already true.

So why is Bob Odenkirk's picture on this story?

This is my favorite U2 album. For me, all the experiments succeed and work so well as a whole. Does that make me crazy? :)