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    Well said.

    Hahaha!! this entire thread was thoroughly entertaining!!

    ugh I was thinking the same thing!! If it turns out they really were not The Leftovers but were actually the ones taken and they are all dead I will be seriously annoyed!!!!

    Funny, I read the book and when he said that line the first thing that popped into my head was wait, I do not remember him saying that in the book so their must be a personal connection here. Thank yor for enlightening me as to what that connection was.
    I remember thinking the same when Claire tells Jamie, "on your

    Agree wholeheartedly. I have been dreading this episode for a long time wondering how they were going to pull it off and the actors did an outstanding job. The scene where BJR tells Jamie to kiss him in front of Claire as she is at his feet left me completely depleted… It was heart wrenching.

    What draws BJR not only to Jamie but Claire and Jenny as well is his will to break them. They are all very strong personalities but in order to understand his infatuation with Jamie you have to go back to the whipping scene. BJR is so blown away by Jamie's refusal to break and give in that he becomes infatuated with

    All I want to know is what did Nero find in the garage?? After this entire ep that is really all I was left asking myself.

    I noticed in the preview for the next episode that we are given flashbacks to a lot of past moments that left those dangling threads. To mention a few, Jax burying the body of the ATF agent that was after Tara, Tig's daughter being burned by Pope and of course Opie being killed. Not sure if Sutter was just reminding

    Sorry!! you are correct. When I did the search on the word I thought it came up on the side as a location but it did not. Sorry again!

    All three of these places do exist in California. Fortuna is the Roman godess of luck, fate and fortune. Portend means to give an omen or anticipatory sign and Eureka well, that is the sudden unexpected realization of a solution to a problem….Sutter was most certainly making a point with the names of these places.

    I know I have heard Charlie Hunnam's take on why he wears the white sneakers and I respect it but I can't get used to them so it's just a matter of personal preference. It was really cool to see him in the MC boots as opposed to the white sneakers.

    me too!! it was a very real reaction to hearing horrible, gut wrenching news for the first time.

    "the one with the big white baby shoes"

    This may sound crazy and far fetched but I thought Chuckie might be the rat. He did have the initial connection to Lin's gang and lately he has been making statements to Gemma about how he is invisible to everyone or not appreciated.

    Ha ha ha!!!

    Finally a good solid episode!!! It only took what 10 previous tries. The acting last night was the best I have seen from these characters in a long time. Charlie Hunnam in particular was spot on. His scenes with Unser, Juice and Nero had me either wringing my hands because I was so nervous, shouting out yeah you tell

    Great post!! I agree completely with your observations and outcomes one hundred percent.

    I was thinking the same thing when Jax once again put the club before his family by mentioning them first. Now we know it truly is the club before all for Jax and that is sad. Not even the death of his wife will change his thinking on who is more important…. his sons or the Sons. To be or not to be….he has finally

    Did anyone else laugh as hard as I did when Jax told Abel that Wendy was his real Mommy?? Yeah way to go Sutter…perfect time to lay that bombshell on the kid because he's not emotionally messed up enough already. I wanted to smack Jax in his smug face and then punch Wendy for being so thankful…please….that scene was