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    You took the words right out of my mouth!!! I am so irate with the way they handled Tara's passing. I mean Donna received more attention when she died than Tara did, it's downright disgusting the way her character has been dismissed. At least when Donna died we were given Opie's perspective and so many discussions

    I agree!!!! Someone on this forum made a comment that the flashback scenes are reminding them just how much story line went by the wayside with unanswered questions. We are given so much crap to take in during a season who can keep track of what has gone unanswered from 3 seasons before. Like where is the homeless

    Agreed. I know he often wears the glasses when he is riding his bike at night.

    I agree he is not even trying to hide the accent anymore. The word last night that really threw me for a loop was permanently… yeah he was not even close on that one. I get so distracted sometimes when he speaks that I miss the whole point he is trying to make. Then again, lately there has been no point anyway.