
I'm surprised they didn't name the species after Radiohead's fellow '90s rockers The Dave Matthews Band. "Ants Marching," anyone? No? *maneuvers around tumbleweeds while looking for the exit*

I still can't believe this guy was in one of my favorite movies, "Waking Life." In fact, I used to even really like the one scene he was in when he's driving around ranting and raving about the government. That…has changed.

Just saw the musical adaptation of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” on Broadway. At no point did I think to myself, “You know what? This needs more Tom and Jerry.”

Came for the Muppets, left at first reference to "The Real Housewives."

See ya!

For all of Meghan Trainor’s sins, her worst was her response when “The Peanuts Movie” asked her to provide a song. She basically said, “Okay, but I’m not really a fan.” Don’t know why the producers didn’t just pick some other disposable pop star at that point. I suppose they thought Trainor’s nasal vocals were really

Is Jan Favreau Jon's twin sister? And if so, why do you feel the need to apologize to her?

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Um, have you tried San Diego?

I actually wrote an article about this very question once:

Already contributed. One of my perks is a signed photo by Dave Goelz of one of his characters. Crossing my fingers it's Gonzo.

Freeze Frame was the first rock album I ever listened to (courtesy of my brother’s collection), and it’s still one of my favorites. Also, it features my favorite cover art of all time. As a little kid, I was fascinated at how weird it was and used to stare at it for like an hour while listening to the record.

That address at the Radio and Television Correspondents' Dinner is easily the best thing Minhaj has ever done (sorry "Third Month Mania").

I've always liked, "Dem special effects is fantastic."

Time to visit my local Salvation Army.

Claire Danes

I don’t see it as being rude; I was merely correcting the article. As for honoring his legacy, maybe you failed to read the part where I wrote he had quite a run. That wasn’t sarcasm. But I get it. High horse and all. Yes, NOW I was being rude.

"Rickles’ TK-year career." Guess this obit was rushed out. The answer you were looking for is "60-year career." Yes, that is quite a run.

I know it’s not one of his bigger films, but it’s killing me you didn’t ask about “Waking the Dead.” I still maintain it’s the most romantic movie of all time (not best rom-com; that would be “When Harry Met Sally…”). His acting in that film is superb. The speech he gives at the end to his family during his mental

So the song "Mandy" WAS about his dog.

This is how innocent we were in the late ‘80s: this show was so “controversial,” my parents (well, my Mom since my Dad didn’t give two $#!+$ what I did) forbade me from watching it. When I finally got around to seeing it, I remember making fun of Al at what a loser he was. All he wanted to do was watch T.V. and drink