
Well, there’s one thing George R. R. Martin and I have in common. Am I the only one here who literally hasn’t seen a single episode of this show? I just might be.

We do.

I used to write for The Long Island Voice, a short-lived spinoff, so this feels kinda personal.

The movie “Waking the Dead.” Everyone immediately assumes I meant to say “The Walking Dead.”

I know I’m going to regret entertaining your comment, but I just can’t help myself. I’m not entirely clear of the point you’re trying to make. Are you mocking Fey for criticizing the Nazis? Or somehow implying it was Hillary’s e-mails that crashed through the Barcelona crowd? If so, good one!

Best bit of the show last night, I thought. My favorite line: “Really? Who drove that car into the crowd? Hillary’s e-mails?”

That lead sentence had me LOL for reals. I know I’m sometimes overly critical of you, but thanks, A.V. Club.

But whither Chris Pine?

Just in case someone hasn't already posted this:

Whew! For a second there, I thought you wrote the PTA disbanded.

I'm just going to paraphrase a comment I made to someone else earlier: If they could update the story to include cell phones, they could've updated that part of the story, too.

Yet somehow they were able to update the story to include cell phones.

I love Paul Rudd too, but why couldn’t they just make him a friend of the family or something? Why’d he have to be the stepbrother? It seemed so unnecessary.

I loved the movie until the last 10 minutes. Am I the only one who was creeped out that she starts dating her stepbrother? I know they’re not related by blood, but c’mon. Ew.

“BUT HER E-” (is vaporized)

“Hey, if the popular vote meant anything, we’d have won last time.”

Did Hulu do that? Cut. It. Out. Have mercy! And the rest.

(in “South Park” alien voice) “What is a…‘Fuze On’?”

Shouldn't it be "Batmen"? Asking for a friend.

30 years after the Simpsons first premiered on television (not 20). Yes, we're old.