
Where’s the fun if your protagonist is indestructible? This could also explain why I was always more of a Batman fan than Superman. I don’t know. Different strokes.

He just looked completely stupid. (Well, he IS Keanu Reeves, so that’s not saying much.) Also, being able to fly adds to his indestructability, which removes almost all of the tension during any fight scene. It’s one of the reasons why I didn’t like the sequels. For me, Neo hangs up the phone in the phone booth, puts

I turn off “The Matrix” 10 seconds before the end credits, because Neo should not fly like Superman.

I never liked the new Comedy Central logo. It just looks like a copyright sign.

A crummy commercial? …sonovabitch.

The Grim Reaper has been on an absolute rampage this year. We’re not even halfway through, and 2016 has already had more celebrity deaths than any other year in my entire life. I hope this isn’t some type of Rapture situation before an upcoming Apocalypse, i.e., a Donald Trump presidency.

Ah, it wasn’t THAT bad to warrant a World of Flops entry (I laughed at the “Somewhere in Northern New Jersey” joke), but what annoyed me is that Will Ferrell didn’t show up until there were only about 25 minutes left of the movie, if you don’t count the end credits. They tried to make it seem like a twist that Mugatu

Okay. Missed that.

You left out “Full Frontal With Samantha Bee.” I thought her righteous anger and hilarious commentary had the best late-night reaction to this terrible tragedy. “Is it okay if I not tell jokes and just scream for 7 minutes? No? It’s not? Okay…”

Didn’t they already try an “Uncle Buck” T.V. show in the ‘90s with Kevin Meaney? They also did another sitcom based on a John Hughes classic: “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off." The T.V. version was simply titled “Ferris Bueller,” since, you know, he actually went to school in this version. It starred Charlie Schlatter and a

I’m glad this movie is getting the revisionist treatment; I've always kind of liked it. I remember seeing it in a packed theater on opening weekend and being just about the only person laughing. My friend who I watched it with was a huge Jim Carrey fan and hated it. I'd take "The Cable Guy" over either "Ace Ventura"

To be fair, "Wayne's World" itself stole that from a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

Fare thee well, “Goldbergs.” Until season 4, I’m out the door.
My review of the series so far:
Season 1: B+
Season 2: A
Season 3: A-

It was made by my favorite director. It stars one of my favorite actors. The score is hauntingly beautiful. I saw it in theaters, and it became a big box-office hit. Yet no matter how many times I see it, I still can’t get into “Edward Scissorhands.” Tim Burton’s ode to a strange boy with even stranger hands always

Another great “Goldbergs” episode, but I gotta admit, I was a little disappointed the real home movie at the end wasn’t of little Adam playing detective in The Goldberg Gang. I wonder if that was actually a thing or just invented for the show? Also, I loved the ending, but I thought it would’ve been more poignant to

I’m surprised at the relatively positive grade of this episode, given that it was full of padding (long intro, even longer prologue about what happened thousands of years ago, somewhat unnecessary epilogue in Moe’s bar after the trip, etc.), something the writer has complained about in former latter-day “Simpsons”

Thanks, Adam! Being a fellow geek, I take great pride in having been born on Star Wars Day.

Watching one of the best “Goldbergs” episodes of the season was a great birthday gift for me last night. (I couldn’t stop laughing at Murray’s creepy childhood puppet: “Why does it look like you NOW??”) Also, the crazy breakfast ending was a nice touch and reminded me of a short movie my friend starred in when we were

Okay Herpes. Shame on me, I guess? Anyway, watch the video. They’re clearly in a church with pews. When I think auditorium, I think high school musical.

Auditorium? Don't you mean church? Unless they're installing stained-glass windows in auditoriums these days. I'm not completely up-to-code with such things though, I should disclose.