
I love me some Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, but for me, Willy Wonka will always be Gene Wilder.

It was a funny line (as well as a funny episode), but I had a hard time believing Beverly would mess up Spielberg's last name. You know, given that her name is Goldberg.

One of the most overrated movies of the '90s. Great soundtrack, though.

Thanks for the info, Cap! Gonna have to agree with the "normal people" about its obscurity. I never heard of it before (though apparently other people on here, including the reviewer, did), and I consider myself an '80s geek who loves Tom Hanks. I'll have to check this movie out.

According to Wikipedia, the original title of this "Goldbergs" episode was “Mazes and Monsters,” which I kinda like better. It sounds like a malapropism Pops would say, but maybe they changed the title after they cut this line? Real Adam Goldberg, any thoughts? Bueller…Bueller?

I’ve never heard of 90% of these bands. Translation: I’m old.

Interesting list. I would add “Two Suns in the Sunset” by Pink Floyd (well, really Roger Waters since the album that produced the song, The Final Cut, is basically considered a Waters solo album). The second sun in the title is a nuclear blast.

I’m glad to see Phil’s sorta back, and this was a great interview. I just wish there was one question about “…But Seriously.” If someone asked me to name a few albums that encapsulated my personality, it would be “The Bends” by Radiohead and “…But Seriously” (odd mix, I know).

I actually agree with this policy. I saw “Bruno,” which is so hard-R, it was borderline NC-17, next to a kid who couldn’t have been more than 7. During the graphic sex scenes, he kept turning to his dad (who, needless to say, didn't win the Father of the Year award) and asking, “Daddy, what are they doing?” He

I was thinking the same thing when I watched the episode, but I just checked Wikipedia, and it was released in 1988, so it's fair game.

I was wondering if real Adam actually used fake names to get his cassettes, but I ultimately thought the scheme was a little far-fetched and couldn’t possibly have worked in real life, until the show’s obligatory ending/real-life parallel with “Kermit D. Fonz” scoring a tape. Nice play, Adam! Also, I’ve told this

Nothing by Black 47 or Seven Nations? For shame, A.V. Club!

Believe it or not, despite the fact that Ford will be nearly 80 when the film comes out, I have hope for this one. Apparently, George Lucas will have nothing to do with it, and I’m convinced he’s what ruined the last one, since he desperately wanted aliens/interdimensional beings in “Crystal Skull.”

It's mentioned in the first sentence of the article's introduction.

Based on other sitcoms where a future version of the show’s protagonist narrates his childhood, it’s not quite as good as “The Wonder Years” but light years better than “Surviving Jack” (though that might not be saying much). As others have already pointed out, the show definitely improved over time, so skip the first

I remember asking my Mom for a copy of “Ghostbusters 2” on VHS for my birthday, and she said she couldn’t afford it because it was $95. I didn’t believe her until she took me to the store and showed me. Thank God things have changed. (Also, unlike the original, “Ghostbusters 2” wasn’t really worth 20 bucks, let alone

Yes, but the overly intimate close-ups of his aunt’s bared legs and pouting lips in the scene as “Oh Yeah” pumps full blast is just nightmare fuel.

Another reason to hate this song: It was featured in the movie “The Secret of My Success” during a scene when Michael J. Fox is trying to get it on…with his aunt. I wish I was kidding. It’s a shame too, because I was actually enjoying the movie up until that point.

I feel the same way about how many times Michael Douglas says “James” to Tobey Maguire, who plays James, in “Wonder Boys.” It’s one of my favorite movies, but it’s literally in every other line when Douglas is talking to Maguire. Someone please make a supercut of that, since I don’t know how. That’s a drinking game I

I literally just borrowed The Rentals’ last album, “Lost in Alphaville,” from my library a few days ago, so this article couldn’t have come at a better time. Also, I never knew what the “P.” meant. I assumed it was “People,” because I thought the song’s narrator just liked being friends with everyone.