
Do I really have to be the guy who points out they spelled “sum” wrong? (“Johnny Depp is more than just the some of his mustaches, hats, and inadvisable quirks.”) C’mon, A.V. Club, we expect more from you!

Wasn't he supposed to direct the "Darkchylde" movie?

Watch at your own peril. I saw it for free from Redbox (I had a coupon code), and I wanted my money back. Rim shot!

I was floored when I saw this movie—and not in the good way. Besides the overt racism (the only black characters are criminals) and sexism that the writer already mentioned, the movie seemed to forget the plot’s whole point of finding out what it’s like to be in other people’s shoes (both literally and figuratively)

Maybe it’s just me, but I loved the “Reality” character, especially at the end when he grabbed the mic onstage and started attacking people in the audience like an insult comic. But I do agree that hanging him at the very end of the episode was a little too on-the-nose. That “Safe Space” song was amazing though, my

When I said “iffy” was more accurate, I meant my opinion of the ending, not that she actually said that word.

From my point of view, it looked like he was actually spinning the web. Also, an earlier episode, I think from last season, had the pig literally spinning and swinging from a web, but that was during the show’s opening titles, which tends to include a lot of fantasy elements. The Maggie stuff bugged me too but not as

A very mediocre episode, at best, but the thing that annoyed me the most was that they made “spider pig” an honest-to-God spider pig with him actually spinning webs. Say what you want about the quality (or lack thereof) of “The Simpsons Movie,” but at least in the movie he wasn’t a real cross-breed between a swine and

My writing teacher used to tell my class that one of the worst endings an author could inflict on his or her reader is to say, “And it was all a dream!” And “The Simpsons” did it to us four times last night. Of course, this was my teacher in Fifth Grade. Also, I’ve never seen an episode of “Girls” and had no idea who

Sweet Rebecca De Mornay, the Goldbergs are back! Also, "Toy Soldiers" is one of the greatest songs of all time. They couldn't have chosen a better song to open the third season. Looks like this is gonna be a good one!

I actually used the vid clip of Marge’s speech (“So that’s how you see me?”) to articulate a point about gender identity in cartoons in my media studies class in college. I don’t think my class was all that interested in the rest of my oral report, but they were transfixed by that “Simpsons” clip.

25 years later, this is still one of my favorite movies of all time. It perfectly encapsulated teen angst in an entertaining, though sincere way. It was like "The Catcher in the Rye: The Movie." It was also nice to see a shout-out in this article to “The Island Ear,” the paper I used to write music reviews for back in

You beat me to the punch. I was going to mention the same song and the same reason why I was surprised it was left off this list. I remember interviewing Glen Graham, Blind Melon’s drummer, for my college newspaper soon after Shannon Hoon died, and I asked him why “Soup” was left off the album, since I thought it was

Awesome sendoff to one of the greatest television achievements of the 21st Century. I expected most of the other correspondents to return, but Wyatt’s appearance really shocked me. Even in its final episode, Jon Stewart’s “Daily Show” still found a way to surprise. Fare thee well, Jon. I’ll miss you tucking me in at

I’m pretty sure “Herman’s Head” was also using the mind as an abstract set when referring to his titular “head.” I doubt those characters were actually physically walking around inside his brain.

Once again, I wasn’t referring to the story but to the idea of personifying in-head, human emotions, such as joy, fear, and anger, with wacky characters, which is exactly what “Herman’s Head” did almost 25 years ago. That’s like saying, “Even though I wrote a story about a farmer who joins a Rebel Alliance to fight

I’m sure the story of “Inside Out” is great (haven’t seen the movie yet obviously), but I’m getting kind of tired of everyone saying how amazing and original the idea is. Even Variety wrote how personifying the emotions in our head, including joy, fear, and anger, is "the greatest idea Pixar has ever had” and “a

I never joined Columbia House, but my sister did. I remember once she ordered a Jane’s Addiction CD, and instead, she got a different CD and a letter reading, “Sorry, we don’t have The Jane Addictions. (Yeah, we’re pretty bummed, too.) Instead, enjoy this album by a similar band.” The band? Whitesnake.

You’re welcome. I forgot to mention that my favorite part of last night’s show was when the screen blurred the mouth of the mascot’s head when Barry cursed, as if the mascot itself was speaking. That was creepy…and genius.

And the Barry line of the night is, “My heart bone's already been broken, girl!”
Yeah, I also noticed Sean Giambrone’s voice sounded a little different in this episode. I wonder how he's going to sound next season.
Reading the part of the review that mentioned no one, not even in the ‘80s, said life was fair gave me an