
Great! Now all you need to do is use “Dare” in an episode, and you’ve used up the Stan Bush anthology.

Lots of Barry goodness last night: “Look in my good eye and tell me!”
Bonus points for the expert use of Stan Bush’s “The Touch,” though I’m surprised it wasn’t used in the episode when Adam saw “The Transformers: The Movie” and Pops dressed up as Optimus Prime. Back in college, I saw “Boogie Nights” with my roommate,

Thanks, Adam! I’ll keep the timeline nitpicking down to a minimum. As the man said, “Can’t we all just get along?” Oh wait, that was from the ‘90s. Now I’m doing it myself!

1) While I’ve commented on almost every review of this show, this is only the second time I’ve mentioned anachronisms.
2) The tone of my mentioning it was very tongue-in-cheek (“we kid because we love”).
3) My mentioning of it was only the first few lines in a rather lengthy comment that was mostly complimentary of the

This week in shady timelines on “The Goldbergs”: The Mondale/Reagan debates and election were in 1984, while both “American Gladiators” and “America’s Funniest Home Videos” didn’t debut until 1989. Do the writers not have access to Google or Wikipedia? Seriously, we kid because we love, and I’m only mentioning this

Is this the first episode of “The Goldbergs” to end with a song that’s NOT from the ‘80s (since Elton John’s “Your Song” is from the early ‘70s)? I think it’s funny that Erica and Barry sang it to their Dad, because when I was younger, I thought Elton was singing, “It’s for people like you, Dad” (not “It’s for people

Great show last night. I think my favorite line was Erica’s for admitting she wouldn’t be bigger than Madonna because she’s realistic. It’s funny, because I just watched the “Wonder Years” episode “Hiroshima, Mon Frere,” and not only does it involve the two brothers battling it out like this episode, but there are

Best line of the night goes to Barry again: “I felt exhilarated…like I just killed a man!”
Runner-up (also Barry): “We left Mom on the side of the road like a bag of trash!”

I was in stitches every time that Heart song kicked in. I suppose I should’ve seen it coming after a while, but for some reason, I never did, especially the tag at the end with the Cabbage Patch Kid dealer. And speaking of Cabbage Patch kids, I was wondering throughout the episode whether there were actual Cabbage

Great episode, but any episode where Barry is the lead is bound to be classic. I actually pulled a Barry/Ferris in high school with a few friends, though it was the mid-‘90s, not mid-‘80s. We cut school on “senior cut day” and went to New York to do all the dumb, touristy stuff, like go to the top of The Empire State

I literally fell asleep watching this week’s episode. I think I’m officially done with “Gotham.”

A Ferris Bueller episode? You spoil us, Mr. Goldberg!

This was probably my second favorite episode of “The Goldbergs” so far, just behind “The Facts of Bleeping Life.” Not only was it incredibly funny (“Caw-caw!” “Eagles don’t make that noise!”), but, much like my favorite episode, the emotional elements really snuck up on me, especially seeing Adam turn tearfully to his

Sad day today. Jon Stewart is literally the reason why I finally gave in and got cable way back in 2000, and I’ve been watching him almost every day since. Because it’s typically on 4 days a week instead of the usual 1 like most shows, I’ve probably seen more “Daily Show” episodes than episodes of “The Simpsons” (and

Let me guess. This is how they’re going to introduce The Joker next week:

It’s kind of a coincidence that tonight’s episode of “The Simpsons” was about Springfield stealing their theme song from another town. Also, a personal coincidence is that (Shameless Plug Alert!) I wrote an article about this very same subject years ago:

My ranking:

No "The Book Job"?

Dan Lauria for the win.

My favorite quotes are both Homer-isms:
“To alcohol! The cause of—and solution to—all of life’s problems.”
Runner up: “Weaseling out of things is important to learn! It’s what separates us from the animals…except the weasel.”