Dental Plan

I can't help but think that, since a lot of Hollywood got duped by Madoff, they took some artistic license to imagine Madoff being haunted by what he's done. He took money from millionaires. I'm sure he doesn't feel that bad about it.

It's really annoying this list is not in alphabetical order

I may have a possible explanation Mr. Handlen. After being knocked out for an unknown amount of time, Hank figured she's either dead or alive hiding, and him running into town isn't going to change either of those circumstances—as far as he's aware. He certainly isn't betting that she outsmarted the Gerhard's in her

The episode was pretty good, but I can't escape the feeling that they only do these interdimensional TV shows because they couldn't think of a full episode to write.

I'm not saying 31 isn't a young man, but he's acting like he lied about this as a 19 year old. He's 37 now and he lied about this 6 years ago. That sounds more like a permanent character issue than a "I was a dumb fucking kid"

The only 70MM theatre I know of in the DC area where I live is at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum. They showed Interstellar there, but that partially made sense because space. Not sure how they'll allow Hateful 8 except if their reasoning is because money.

They needed a tween/teen drama on Netflix. Probably a good move for them financially.

"Kate Upton go[es] natural[ly] shav[ed] as… venison meat…
that William H Macy…locked up. Variety reports that Alexandra Daddario has
signed on to join…the…sex." - Alex McCown, AVClub, 8 May 2015

I'm curious how splinter cell will work on the screen. An incandescent light bulb seems to be his biggest weakness and I'm not sure how anyone's going to believe a grown man in all black can just sit in a corner and not be seen.

Of course AV Club only gives this episode a B. It gets a little irritating having AV Club being the "contrarian" all the time. "Oh, most people liked this episode? What if I told everyone it was only so-so That would make me look really smart."

I think he spent a lot of it on that suit and billboard.

Mom called it psychologically taut

"It's called The Three. Okay, well here's the twist. We find out that, that the killer really suffers from multiple personality disorder, right? See, he's actually really the cop and the girl. All of them are him. Isn't that fucked up?"

I bet none of the 5 are actually confused. Just trolls.

You'd think if you were stealing True Detective that you would bother to create a photo that wasn't a direct knock-off.

actually it wasn't. If you follow the link that @alynch3:disqus gave, it was done before Birdman. "(Also), the Jazz score written by Cormac Bluestone (who also wrote "The Nightman Cometh") came before any of us saw "Birdman." So our continuous take "Sunny" episode became an unintended homage to that film."

Someone call Sarah Koenig

It's just a list of indy rock albums. This website is officially overpopulated by coffee shop hipsters in Brooklyn and Portland.

“Kirk Cameron’s…sexuality [has] been so busy…fighting
Christmas, it’s easy to forget his warmhearted, sensual thoughts on…gays…[going]
deeper…into [him]self [sic]…and [how] he must truly be on [his] side. High five!” - Alex McCown, AVClub, 21 Nov. 2014