Dental Plan

He's wrong on his evidence that Syed did it. His opinion on Syed is predicated that Syed didn't call his girlfriend after she was killed, but they were broken up before she went missing. They weren't dating. If my ex from a month prior went missing I wouldn't call her to see if she was alright. I broke up with her

Realism hasn't been a part of Call of Duty since the United Offensive expansion. It's halo with lower shields now

I kept wondering why astrophysicists kept explaining basic astronomy to each other

I saw the movie last night at a prescreening at the Smithsonian. I thought it was great, although it's no 2001 A Space Odyssey. It's visually very imaginative and although the conventions can be overdone sometimes I thought it was a lot of fun. It doesn't say anything original about the future of humanity (check out

Who is to decide what's controversial and what's not? Where's the line? I suppose you make the point that there shouldn't be a commencement address, but the fact is that every college has them. So given that it's highly unlikely to disappear, how do you determine what's controversial? For example, Neil DeGrasse Tyson

You didn't even read my whole comment and if you did I said "problem is they make no points WHICH IS A VALID OPTION and don't even do a good job of doing that." Point that up your ass

Bad troll

Commencement speeches shouldn't avoid controversial speakers. I have qualms with them when they reject conservatives simply because of that reason so I don't think they should avoid Maher for the same. Universities are supposed to support free speech

Another South Park episode that tries to bite off more than it can chew. Similar to Thurn's point that it never really makes a point about anything, it's another episode where SP just tries to throw in as many pop culture references as possible. I don't have a problem with SP taking a moral high ground like the

To paraphrase John Oliver, the internet is like quick sand: the more you struggle and fight it, the farther you get sucked in. This won't end well, McDonald's.

L4D2 is amazing. Valve really figured out how to make the game so different yet familiar every time you play it. I've got about 1000 hours myself.

I still want him to actually make the movie, The Three (see Adaptation). It sounds awful, and by awful I mean fantastic in a Sci-Fi channel sort of way

The new films have generated roughly 1 billion dollars a piece in revenue so I'll consider them an enormous success.

I wonder how many successive flops it would take before the studios give up on superhero movies

Wait you think Mulaney sucks at stand up, too?

The ending of the episode was probably laziest writing I've seen on South Park in years


Agreed on the trainwreck casting for TD. Additionally, without Fukunaga directing and writing every single episode, S2 of TD isn't going to be as cohesive visually or narratively speaking. Plus, we just don't know how good Fukunaga is at coordinating between all of their inputs.

I still like the show but it's another one of those parody episodes that feels wholly unoriginal—for South Park episodes, that is. Insert pop-culture reference, make an analogy to something the 'boys' are doing, insert another pop-culture reference, then another, then another. It starts to lose its effectiveness

Quite the opposite haha. A sufficient condition is something that must be true of all things of a given category. Since being on lunch boxes is not a sufficient condition that means you can be on lunch boxes or not and still be successful in storytelling.