faux real

Speaking of which… I admit I don't know how hotwiring works once you've done the initial shortcut, but he was able to fire it up awfully fast the next morning when he sped off to the bat mitzvah.

Yeah, my wife even said "Is that supposed to be Billy Joel?". It was a very Billy-Joel-ish cover.

So at what point in the film does Sean Bean's character die?

"That looks like a hernia with a scope" is how Mike described the .50 if I remember correctly

An older friend of mine has been drinking PBR since before it gained its hipster cachet. (And haven't they moved on to something else by now?) Sometimes I'll bum one from him and it's pretty decent for a mass-market lager.

Close. We would prefer four movies at 15, 15, 20 and finally an epic 40.
-the Moviegoing Public

Well, we are right now.

Multiple Redundancy Again-talkers

At the very least, Love It To Death and Billion Dollar Babies are worth checking out. Fun, theatrical and hooky as hell.

What about sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, dweebies, and dickheads?


That's why he refused to stand on the Vergarotisserie

Yep, that Matching Tie and Handkerchief trick was a real mindblower for me as a teen, especially since due to the luck of needle placement I didn't hear the "other" track until I was on at least my third or fourth listen.

I really loved World of Tomorrow, Bear Story, and We Can't Live Without Cosmos so I would've been fine with a win for either of those. Plus, first Oscar for Chile, supposedly? Anyway, I cynically assumed Sanjay's Super Team would win (which was also pretty good, to be honest).

Tobias, is that you?

I loved that, too. And I just saw it for the first time 15 minutes ago, a month after you! Never too late.

Yeah, in the pre-registration days I usually stuck to one username (not this one), but it was fun to come up with one-off names to match the comment/context.

While we're at it, I want to know why Cat Deeley keeps losing the Competition/Reality Host Emmy year after year, dammit!

Kanye : AV Club :: Dave Grohl : Spin

I still say it that way to this day!