faux real

Burner, you just lived up to your name. Bravo!

Mostly I can't stand the spokesman; he doesn't seem like "regular guy" so much as "condescending marketing guy" who seems overly pleased with himself for getting the reactions he's been instructed to solicit.

Can't we stop giving attention to this played-out fame whore? And who's that girl he's standing next to?

That one may have been "Holy Joe".

It totally got me. And it also sent me to Amazon in search of that Roberta Flack recording.

I'm in the minority here, but I thoroughly enjoyed the pace and events of this season — even though we were hanging out with characters who, for the most part, were wiped out in this finale. I don't give a shit that it took a long time to get to where the comic main storyline apparently begins, I thought it was a

Inglewood Players?

Are we missing the real story here? SEAN MOTHERFUCKING O'NEAL IS BACK! Please tell me Sean O'Neal is back. A nation turns its lonely eyes to you, sir.

That's actually one of the more realistic things about the show.

And it was all the better for it.

@Baulderstone:disqus As soon as I upload my stack of keypunch cards, I'm going to give you what for!

She's apparently living in the fleabag hotel where Marnie's coke dealer ex is. Oops, wrong show.

That's good to know. Wouldn't be the first time I missed something. That being said, I am loving their scenes together!

I have completely spaced out what Elizabeth's goal is with the Mary Kay thing. Is Young-hee one of the names from the list of people with higher security clearance than William?

Mizzou float trip: Picture a neckbearded douche floating down a river in an innertube, possibly towing a styrofoam cooler behind him, surrounded by other douches, innertubes, and coolers. Bonus points for ugly drunken behavior in direct contrast to the previously-serene environment.

Or K-tel Records. 20 Original Hits! Original Stars!

Especially since from what we know about our protagonist, that head wound could have been administered by Mr. "I'll Bash Yer Fuckin' Head In" himself!

Maybe the dedication was also a bit of "sorry, mate, we filmed this before you, well, snuffed it". (Honestly, I don't think it was that bad either, at least not compared to some of the other "real people" appearances in this show; just unfortunate timing).

Another one for "It's Mostly Rock N Roll…": that snaky sax groove playing in the background in the Chelsea scene was Mulatu Astatke's "Tezeta"

I admit it — I totally fell for it until the end. Mostly that was because I was so enjoying any scene with Ernst, but it's also because, in general, I don't try to "solve" stories as I'm watching them unless they are presented as mysteries. When Richie kicked Ernst out of the car, I figured our intrepid German friend