faux real

It aired at least as far west as Kansas City.

I liked that 3 of the 4 Prius robbers were Sobotkas, but spent the rest of the commercial distracted, wondering how the 4th guy fit in. (And also, why were they robbing a bank… potential Season Two Spinoff Web Series?)

True, but the way the hot-doggy top part of the costume flopped around made for a funnier visual, I think.

This pun thread will not The Stand: For The First Time Complete And Uncut!

Yeah, but there's been a 4% rise in childbirth in California, so it's actually gotten worse!*


I'm sorry Amy, that leaves you with only 11 points — which means that with 13 points, Paula Poundstone is this week's winner!

Agreed on Connor almost ruining Angel for me, but Pete Campbell is a great, essential character on Mad Men. Not likable, but a great character.


Well then, I guess we get back 1/2 of our souls now?

Ah, So! So Good!

If only. Still, 20+ year playoff victory drought was broken last weekend, we've got that. (But since I don't think wildcard round existed in the era of the previous victory, the Chiefs still haven't really gotten over that hump yet).

They just love Will Ferrell, and he kinda looks like him if you don't look too hard.

My favorite is when they say "drugs charges" and "drugs trafficking" instead of good ol' American "drug charges" and "drug trafficking". I, too, am easily amused.

Since watching some yayhoo play video games for hours on end via Livestream is apparently a thing now, maybe Yahoo should co-opt some of said yayhoos.

Pants, or mustard?

Hey, it's about ethics in ghostbusting, man, nothing more

Just think, before we knew much about the Kardashians, we thought Kato Kaelin was the definitive fame whore!

Does that mean Travolta is not a lawyer, but will provide self-help services at my specific direction?

Maybe it'll make no difference to cinematic illiterates, but I for one look very much forward to that six minute closeup of Jennifer Jason Leigh's feet.