faux real

They forgot to ask, "When it's real windy, does that hair flop over like a weird combover?"

Nobody's reading these anymore since I'm 5+ years behind even these reviews (just saw this ep for the first time today and have somehow managed not to get spoiled on much of the Buffy plot as I go), but when I saw Amber Benson finally made the credits I thought, "Oh, cool!" Then, immediately, "Well, she's fucked". But

This looks good and dumb. Wait, only one of those.

Glenn will return as the Great Gazoo, visible only to Rick. "They're all out to get you, dum dum!"

Housewife Sploosh with Norman Reedus

Well, unless you're talking about the latter part of the book, which is more like all preachy talking than fighting and the old in-out.

Looks like I should've Googled it while I was at it, since it was Krakow, not Krakower. Memory fail!

Hey, Brian Krakower, good to see you again, buddy!

In an interview from the DVD extras of The Doors movie, Frank Whaley said something like, Kilmer insisted that everyone call him Jim on the set, or at least not use his real name, so Frank would just call him "asshole".

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 2 1/2 seasons

And ma-a-a-a-a-ny mo-o-o-o-o-o-ore!

Please tell me the Simpsons nod is "goodbye" being replaced with "Smell you later"

Yeah, it was like "Jonathan Banks… and the rest"

Vera said that?

One Roseanne alt-Becky gag I partially remember was in a Halloween episode after original Becky had returned — Dan and Roseanne open the door for some trick-or-treaters and Chalke is out there. What I don't remember is whether they remarked upon it, did some kind of double-take, or just left it hanging there, but it

"Party" as a verb goes back for-fuckin-ever, like at least from before I was a teen, which was also for-fuckin-ever ago.

It's rather kickass, thanks! "Turning Violent" is super-familiar; I'm trying to remember where I may have heard it. Maybe in some TV end credits…?

OK ElDan, to Spotify I go. But if I don't like it, I'll… be mildly irritated.

I'm more a fan of the Oh My Gawwd / Hit To Death In The Future Head / Clouds Taste Metallic stuff, but I agree that Yoshimi and Soft Bulletin are also good records.