faux real

Capt Tripps, good points and you are correct — given the info I provided. However I unintentionally lied and forgot I also have an old iPod Classic (which I'm praying gives me many more years of service… old school forever!), therefore I'm basically required to use iTunes, which then meant I couldn't use the

I'm not one of the Apple faithful, in fact the Apple TV is the only product of theirs that I own, but the cost isn't exactly prohibitive. It's is a little box that cost $100, which I got mostly so I could stream my music collection from the upstairs computer through the stereo in the living room. I also occasionally

Now I just want to hear Cheryl from Archer scream "YOU'RE NOT MY DUNGEON MASTER!"

Eh, on a dollars to okay-tasting-ness scale, Tombstone ain't bad when it's on sale in the $3-ish range. The typical $6+ frozen pizza isn't good enough to justify the extra cost since it's still only a vaguely pizza-like sodium bomb (I'm looking at you, DiGiorno).

It was not picked at random, but for that very reason it seems odd to me that they chose that venue. There was a pretty dark cloud hanging over the end of that tour in general (Deer Creek debacle, Riverport security crackdown, etc.) even before Jerry's death, so there's bound to be a bit of a negative association with

Reposted 19ent fan maybe?

That Amost Dead sounds quite interesting, I didn't know about this. I've heard some of Joe R and Marco B in a trio with Mike Keneally and they're spectacular.

So, on that… we haven't seen Philip or Elizabeth smoking pot that often before (if ever); do they do occasional "THC tolerance training"? I realize he's a grown man and Kimberly is a teen, but how is he keeping his shit together while stoned? (Speaking as a one-hit lightweight, myself.)

I did a double take on that as well, at first. I think it was supposed to be ginger ale or the like. There may have been a can on the coffee table, but I didn't feel like rewinding to see.


Well, goddamit, now I have been assimilated.

Well they haven't used "…Will Haunt Your Dreams" in a headline yet, have they? Never mind, if they have, I don't want to know.

#NotAllMen(hood): The Hashtaggening

I think he was ON 21 Grams… of horse tranquilizers, maybe?


"Those guys look just like the guys who was just— oh."

So I'm guessing their pick was American Sniper?

Though it was my pick, I'm kind of glad Boyhood *didn't* win, thereby avoiding the inevitable backlash calling it a "gimmick" or whatever. Boyhood will endure.

Yes, that NPR non-tribute was mind-boggling. Way to reduce someone's life, and the tragedy of losing it so young, to a fucking joke. If they had read some of Harris' own jokes instead of repeating some humblebrags it would have been a lot better.

God damn it.