faux real

They pop up from trap doors underneath the seats.

Oh, I thought this said seat sniffer. Never mind.

If you're going to Rock-N-Roll Heaven, bring your VISA card — because while they may take it to the limit, they don't take American Express!

Negative Balance Creep

The numbers might be higher without addressing the "feminist angle", but then the show would be less good. And it's not really that preachy or cardboard — as Oliver mentions, even the SSR men who are standing in her way are given a fair amount of nuance.

I had such high hopes, dammit! And then I clicked play.

Jammin' on the one!
J-J-J-Jammin' on the one!

"Well, if gay slurs are out, I'm out too!" —EM

That made me sad.

Pretty much all of my favorite lines in BTVS and Angel were written for Cordelia, and Ms. Carpenter delivered them perfectly.

That one got a double take from me. What, so Corea fucked it up the first time around? Good thing he took another crack at it, then.

He sure helped that Tom Petty fellow!

Also, he never specified they needed to be cooked. SURPRISE!