Conan always had the best cooking segments.
Conan always had the best cooking segments.
They should just make a reflective bottle so it's both a mirror AND a mirror into our souls.
This is the kind of dumb shit you'd see on Bored Panda. "I quit my job to draw elves and sexy cats like a true creative!"
Agreed. Bill Maher is awful and unfunny.
Much agreed. If we're going to accept Starkiller Base then it needed to last the entire new trilogy (or at least into Episode 8). They blow it up as an afterthought and flee the planet. Might has well just been a giant Star Destroyer.
**CONTAINS SPOILERS OF ROGUE ONE** Rogue One is fun as a Star Wars film, but it's misguided to have Jyn's father be the architect of the Death Star. Furthermore, it's totally unnecessary that the flaw in the Death Star is intentional. It doesn't need to be intentional because the Rebels discover the flaw in A New…
What's television?
That opening Winkie's scene made me scream so loud when I first saw this in 2001. Man oh man.
Can we just rerelease First Knight? Sean Connery is the King Arthur we deserve.
I'd rather just re-read Watchmen then see artists try to shoe-horn in other characters and plot points. There's a clever idea somewhere in this, but Watchmen's strength is that it subverts characters like Batman.
Superman could have snapped his neck this whole time? For some reason he waiting until thousands of people were killed with him carelessly flying into buildings and loaded parking garages. I guess the site of that family about to be toasted was too much for him.
My Sweet Lord. Ooooh yes.
I'd be more impressed if he bludgeoned someone to death with it.
I vote against any future Amy Schumer related articles on AV Club.
Gaspar Noe he is not.
Maybe if he tried eating NPR's Robert Siegel he'd have better luck.
My 4 year old doesn't understand why I laugh so hard at this show, but luckily he enjoys the puppets. So it's win-win.
Can I make it stop recommending shit to me? How about they make it easier to browse the libraries and put all it's own original content on it's own category. After many years together, I feel like Netflix still doesn't understand me. Filmstruck is a much better girlfriend.
Hope it contains plenty of costumed heroes standing in a circle talking while an unmotivated camera circles them.