I put Tony Kushner's name on the script I'm working on and just got off the phone with Spielberg. When it works, it works.
I put Tony Kushner's name on the script I'm working on and just got off the phone with Spielberg. When it works, it works.
I hope it contains numerous scenes of people standing in a circle talking to eachother. Those are always the highlight of the Marvel franchise movies.
Love this movie. It has a spirit sorely lacking in today's movies. The plausibility of the surgery is actually reminiscent of "The Face of Another", the fantastic 1966 Japanese sci-fi by Hiroshi Tashigahara.
Legoooo, legooo, can't hold it back aaanymoore.
AV Club laying it on thick with the boring Trump articles…Can we have an article on the merits of the original Star Wars Role Playing Game? That shit was dope.
So he sexual harassed two women during the extended period of performance art that was "I'm Still Here"? They're awarding his performance, not his life. She can not applaud all she wants, he's still standing there with an award.
Spoiler alert: I fucked this movie.
Netflix is more interested in pushing its own hit-or-miss programming than acquiring anything of quality. If it weren't for the kids' shows, I'd have cancelled my Netflix the minute I got my FilmStruck subscription.
Eminem's missteps after The Eminem Show (mostly Encore, The Re-Up) were admittedly caused by a pretty strong Valium/sleeping pill habit. I remember when I listened to "Encore", I could tell he was just getting high and going into the booth and the songs suffered. He had no bite, sounded lazy. But following his…
Oh, maybe I did. I probably thought he said "4 Years" which I paraphrased down to "2 years". Well, if that's what he actually said, then he gets a pass and my eyes can stop rolling.
I'm still defending Green Day and Eminem to people. And I will continue to do so until the end of time.
Automatic For The People my all-time favorite album. Michael Stipe's voice sounds beautiful and the production is spot on. Those guitar sounds are so present. Different strokes I guess…
Barry Jenkins is great, but I heard him say in an interview that he was "at least 2 years way" from achieving a film on par with Wong Kar Wai's "In The Mood For Love". If I rolled my eyes any harder, they'd fall out of my skull.
I'm glad this review exists. I tried to read an interview with the writer/director and it was quite self-indulgent.
FilmStruck offers some commentary tracks and other special features for select films. "Blood Simple" featured a new commentary feature which I thought was splendid.
Good. All this "gritty" bullshit now is boooooooorrrriiiing. No skybeams, no rotating debris, no ham-fisted world saving please. That being said, someone who understand cinematic language would be appreciated. Wheadon and company tend to opt for too many scenes of people talking in a circle with unmotivated camera…
I think this is how Nikki Minaj's albums are produced.
This is the "I want to break my addiction to my phone" phone.
Maybe he'll do a gay Green Goblin movie and redeem himself.
Cee Lo Green? More like Cee Lo GOLD!